Posts: 4,368
I have a question regarding the use of SLONG & SINTEGER which has been bugging me lately. Below is the difference between a sinteger and a slong which I think I understand.
In the code below if the structure sAP_Zone[nOutPut].EQ.EQBands] is defined as a sinteger I'll get the wrong value in the array for a negative number typically around the 65535 roll over point, probaly 0 minus the value displayed as a positve number 0 - 10 = 65525 or something along those line. If I change the structure data type to slong it works fine.
The values returned from the Precis DSP for this request are -12db to 12db which is returned as -120 to 120. Now in my mind a sinteger should work fine since it falls well with in the range, why doesn't it.
If that doesn't make any sense for the volume I do use a sinteger and it works fine and its range much greater.
Could some one please explain why slong works and in this case sinteger doesn't.
SINTEGER Integer Signed 16-bit -32768 to +32768
SLONG Long Integer Signed 32-bit + 2,147,483,647
In the code below if the structure sAP_Zone[nOutPut].EQ.EQBands] is defined as a sinteger I'll get the wrong value in the array for a negative number typically around the 65535 roll over point, probaly 0 minus the value displayed as a positve number 0 - 10 = 65525 or something along those line. If I change the structure data type to slong it works fine.
structure sPrecis_EQ { SLONG Balance ; SLONG TrebLVL ; SLONG BassLVL ; SLONG EQBands[10] ; }
The values returned from the Precis DSP for this request are -12db to 12db which is returned as -120 to 120. Now in my mind a sinteger should work fine since it falls well with in the range, why doesn't it.
If that doesn't make any sense for the volume I do use a sinteger and it works fine and its range much greater.
ACTIVE(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_EQ_BAND",1)):// E {//SO17E1T (90) verifies the gain of EQ band 1 is set to 9 dB for Output 17. //SO3E1 2 3T (60 -90 -120) verifies the gain of EQ band 1 is set to 6 dB, band 2 is set to -9 dB, and band 3 is set to -12 dB for Output 3. STACK_VAR INTEGER nEQBands[NUM_DSP_BANDS] ; STACK_VAR INTEGER nArryIndx ; cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_EQ_BAND",1) ;//E if(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) == 1)//return often includes a space 1st { cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) ; } nArryIndx = 1 ; WHILE(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_TAKE",1) > 1) { nCount = 1 ; WHILE(iRcvdSTR[nCount] > 47 && iRcvdSTR[nCount] < 58) //between 0 & 9 ; { nCount ++ ; } nEQBands[nArryIndx] = atoi(get_buffer_string(iRcvdSTR,nCount - 1)) ; if(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) == 1)//remove spaces between or at end. { cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) ; } nArryIndx ++ ; } cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_STATUS_BEGIN",1) ;//( if(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) == 1)//return often includes a space 1st { cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) ; } nArryIndx = 1 ; WHILE(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_STATUS_END",1) > 1)//) { nCount = 1 ; WHILE(iRcvdSTR[nCount] > 44 && iRcvdSTR[nCount] < 58) //between - & 9 ; { nCount ++ ; } sAP_Zone[nOutPut].EQ.EQBands[nEQBands[nArryIndx]] = ATOI(get_buffer_string(iRcvdSTR,nCount - 1)) ; if(find_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) == 1)//remove spaces between or at end. { cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_SPACE",1) ; } nArryIndx ++ ; } cParseTRSH = remove_string(iRcvdSTR,"CMD_STATUS_END",1) ;//) }
Could some one please explain why slong works and in this case sinteger doesn't.
I don't see any reason for it not to work and have similar code using sinteger without any problems. Are you sure it isn't some other issue?
btw: I notice you have a variable name nArryIndx. Why not call it nArrayIndex rather than nArryIndx?
The only thing I'm sure of is that it didn't work as a sinteger and it does work as a slong. Other than that all possibilities are on the table.
Just shorter!
Converts a character representation of a number to an signed 32-bit integer. The syntax:
In the following statement it looks like NetLinx is type casting the return from ATOI as an unsigned integer even when you have it defined as signed.
You could try wraping ATOI with TypeCast(), it might force NetLinx to look at the destination varible type.
Because there is no type conversion when the destination is declared as slong.
Not sure. Just throwing out ideas.