MVP-5200i looses connection
in AMX Hardware
I have a MVP5200i connected in a job an the client is always complaining about the connection.
I went there and saw the panel with good and very good signal strenght and link quality. But it has no connection to the controller. I always have to do a shut down and after that it is working again.
Can anyone give me an idea about what is happening?
Elsa Pereira
I have a MVP5200i connected in a job an the client is always complaining about the connection.
I went there and saw the panel with good and very good signal strenght and link quality. But it has no connection to the controller. I always have to do a shut down and after that it is working again.
Can anyone give me an idea about what is happening?
Elsa Pereira
I'd definitely investigate the wireless network. There are a whole host of things that have nothing to do with the AMX / WAP system that can be causing problems. Check for 2.4 Ghz phones, Zigbee devices, etc... that can be mucking up a normally strong WAP/Wireless card setup. Also, make sure, if you're using multiple wAPs that they are not operating on the same channel. They could be interfering with each other.
Def don't use 'N' only B/G!
As eric said, check out the wifi environment, use something like NetStumbler to get a clear idea of other WAP's that may be causing problems. Also check the position of the WAP to ensure that it is removed from any possible sources of EMF or reflections.