NXC-Vol 4 not detected
Has anyone experience it before connecting NXC-Vol4 to Ni-4000 but it is not detected by the Controller, We have declare the other card as DOA and replaced with new one but still not detected. I read the manual it is plug and play device.
The other thing would be to verify the addressing of the cardcage portion of the controller matches what you expect it to be. Or maybe the slot itself is bad. Have you tried moving it to another slot, or putting a known good card into that slot? Nothing but the basics here I know, but I really can't think of anything else.
- Chip
I have NXF-MINI cardframe connected to NI-3100 with ICSNET module, and NXC-REL installed in 2nd slot(working fine!).
NXC-VOL4 in slot 1 installed and connected, works 1 day and disappeared from Online Tree. Was sent to dealer and replaced with the new one. Installed, connected, works 1 day and disappear again from Online. After installation green LED(CR13) was blinking. On next day that green LED(CR13) active permanently, another green LED on PCB(CR16) blinking. What means this LED?
I tried to reboot cardframe, reinstall VOL4, install in another slot. It's still not working.
What can I do?
how is your system connected, is it hooked up on a line level output.
I have once seen that on a NI-4100 the entire flat-cable that goes to the card slots was disconnected...
It was like that when it came out of the box...
1.-Check is the leds blink when you connect the vol4 device
2.-check the addess, in factory mode the controller asign a volatile address, try to set in 6001 and 6002 port.
Have a nice hollydays,