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MET-ECOM-D Entry Communicator

Has anyone had any problems getting the camera video to display on the touch panels? I can see the video no problem when I am using Firefox, but I can't get the video to show up on the touch panels. I have a 700i, a 5200i and an 8400i. All three display cameras being served by an Axis video server without problems, but I cannot get the ECOM video to show up.



  • We did it with a MVP8400i and a 700Vi without any problems, just by following the instructions in the ECOM manual, pdf page 46 and up.http://www.amx.com//techdocs/MET-ECOM.D.OperationReferenceGuide.pdf
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Those are the directions I used after copying the button from the sample touch panel file and changing the IP address did not work. I will take another look at it tho and make sure I didn't mess something up.

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I think I figured it out. I was looking and the UI module changes the dynamic image information on the fly (which is good), but when the intercom pages were added to the existing touch panel, the DoorCam dynamic image was changed to a different name to avoid some confusion. I think what is happening is that the UI module is setting the dynamic image to a value that is invalid and hence the panel is not displaying the video. I will let you know after a compile, reload and then wait for 15 minutes :)



    That was the problem. Everything is working, now I just have to play with the video settings to try and make the video look better.
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