How to install volume control card (AXB-VOL4)
in AMX Hardware
i m new to AMX and our company is about to install our first amx system for a small auditorium.
Right now i have the audio out(RCA ) from the Extron MPS 112 going to Pre-Amp (Bouyer PR 1106) and from the pre-amp to the amplifier (Bouyer PA 1050) and from the amplifier to the 6 speakers.
I also have 3 microphones attached to the pre amp.How do i connect the AMX volume control card to adjust the volume of the microphones and the system.
I have also attached the pdf for bouyer amp and pre amp
AMX System consists of
AMX controller :Ni 3100
T.P:MVP 7500
i m new to AMX and our company is about to install our first amx system for a small auditorium.
Right now i have the audio out(RCA ) from the Extron MPS 112 going to Pre-Amp (Bouyer PR 1106) and from the pre-amp to the amplifier (Bouyer PA 1050) and from the amplifier to the 6 speakers.
I also have 3 microphones attached to the pre amp.How do i connect the AMX volume control card to adjust the volume of the microphones and the system.
I have also attached the pdf for bouyer amp and pre amp
AMX System consists of
AMX controller :Ni 3100
T.P:MVP 7500
The mics are at a different level than a line-level input. The VOL4 card is not a mixer but an in-line VCA. If you're running stereo, you'll use only 2 channels of the 4 available. If you're running mono, then you'll only use one.
You cannat put the mics into the VOL4 card without getting a mic preamp for each mic you have. The VOL4 card is nomial at +4db (balanced) and mics are typiclly at -20db ~ -40db (balanced). They don't have enough output to drive the VOL4's level. What you'd end up with if you tried is a very bad noise floor on the mics.
How do i connect the Volume control card if i dont have an icsnet port on my NI 3100
You purchase the ICSNet add-on card for it.