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How to connect STOP on projector screen to NI3100 relays


I have 4 wires coming from the Da Lite 150 "screen UP,DOWN,GRND,+5V
My problem is how to connect to the relays a STOP function in the NI3100 relay ports.I want to know exactly what goes where

Right now i have the NI3100 setup like this

Projector Lift up- Relay 1 (UP,GRND)
Projector Lift Down- Relay 2 (DOWN,GRND)
Projector Screen Up-Relay 3 (UP,GRND)
Projector Screen Down - Relay 4 (DOWN,GRND)
Projector Screen Stop - ?



  • Hi

    Right now i have the NI3100 setup like this

    Projector Lift up- Relay 1 (UP,GRND)
    Projector Lift Down- Relay 2 (DOWN,GRND)
    Projector Screen Up-Relay 3 (UP,GRND)
    Projector Screen Down - Relay 4 (DOWN,GRND)
    Projector Screen Stop - ?



    Isn't maybe

    Projector Lift up- ON[Relay, 1] (UP,GRND)
    Projector Lift Down- ON[Relay, 2] (DOWN,GRND)
    Projector Screen Up- ON[Relay, 3] (UP,GRND)
    Projector Screen Down - ON[Relay, 4] (DOWN,GRND)

    In this case, the screen (or lift) will stop when you will switch OFF[Relay, 3] AND OFF[Relay,4]
    Most of the screens I have worked with will only drive the motor for the time you have a closure (as opposed to pulse), and, will stop as soon as you open the relays.
    The motor should also have stop-switches so it releases when the up most/bottom most position has been reached.

    I think you will also agree that you must take some precautions in programming for avoiding the simultaneous closure on both UP and DOWN relays.
  • With most DaLite screens, you need a simultaneous push of Up and Down to get the screen to stop before the set limits.
  • I use 'stop' on all my systems just in case the limits switches fail. I also use the Da-lite screens with their LVC. There is a small wiring with some diodes that must be done on the AMX conector but besides that it is very easy.
    Here is the info on how I wire and program it.
    AMX relay:
    1A- GND, buss strip to 2A and 3A.
    1B- UP, diode to 3B
    2A- GND
    2B- DOWN, diode to 3B
    3A- GND
    3B- STOP, 2 diodes from 1B and 2B
    I use a small glass diode, NTE-519, I connect the leads from the 2 diodes nearest the black line together and tie them to 3B. The 2 remaining leads then goto (1 lead each) 1B and 2B

    I pulse the relay in the direction that is required and after a wait (this will vary depending on screen size) I will pulse the stop relay. Hope this helps.
  • thanks everyone for your help

    much appreciated
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