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Making changes to system

I am very new to VTC and have been asked to learn something about it as in how to add equipment or take equipment out. All I know so far is the touch panel I am dealing with is an AXM-CA10 and the controllers in the system are AXF-BP-16. So far I have loaded TPDesgn3 onto my PC and have connected it to the CA10 and uploaded the program, saved it and ran a simulation. I have the Studio2 software loaded on my PC also but I don't know how to connect it to the controllers in order to make changes to the system. Any ideas?

Any help you guys can give me would be very much appreciated.



  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    denant81 wrote: »
    I am very new to VTC and have been asked to learn something about it as in how to add equipment or take equipment out. All I know so far is the touch panel I am dealing with is an AXM-CA10 and the controllers in the system are AXF-BP-16. So far I have loaded TPDesgn3 onto my PC and have connected it to the CA10 and uploaded the program, saved it and ran a simulation. I have the Studio2 software loaded on my PC also but I don't know how to connect it to the controllers in order to make changes to the system. Any ideas?

    Any help you guys can give me would be very much appreciated.


    the card frame you have should have an Axcess Master card in the first slot marked 'M' That card has a D-Sub-9 connector. You'll need to connect that to your computer's serial port.

    The program will be in there. It's Axcess. Have fun!
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    You need a couple applications to manipulate the program in your cardframe and the touch panel file. TPD3, you already have. You also, apparently have Netlinx Studio. With these you can extract the program from the cardframe's master card (if it's there,), manipulate it, compile it, and reload it to your cardframe's master card. Also, you will like to have a program called Open Axcess which will allow you to interact with the cardframe without compiling and loading a program. It's not quite as simple as I make it sound, but it's not brain surgery either.

    If you want to learn how to use all this axcess stuff, you need to get yourself access to the AMX website and look at the technical applications and documentation available. There you will find documentation on the cardframe and all the cards it contains, applications (such as Open Axcess) and documentation for them. One of the things you should probably locate and devour first is an Axcess language tutorial that will give you most of the details of how to manipulate the Axcess controller(archived manuals:software design tools). I looked and it's still there. Also, there is more formal documentation (programmer's guide, etc). You can even find all the old DOS tools, if you're into BDSM.

    If you are going to be spending much time on this and particularly if someone (you, perhaps) is being paid to maintain this system, you might consider upgrading the controller to either NI700 or NI900. You can still use all the carframe cards with it (setup the cardframe as a slave). You will recoup the cost of the controller upgrade in about a day -- ok, maybe two.
  • Connection

    I have connecte my PC to the master controller with a serial cable but when I try to communicate with the controller it times out and never makes the connection. Any ideas why the connection isn't working.
  • Many possibles reasons:

    Wrong Baud Rate
    Wrong Cable - try reversing pins 2&3
    Wrong Serial Port set in Application
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