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Terminal commands for file system?

Gday all,

Over the next few months I'll be programming 150+ units and I don't want to wast time configuring their security settings, etc via the Web interface. I'm writing a program to assist with the bulk-configuring of the masters. Each master has the same program running on it, with a different .xml file for the room-specific parameters. The idea is that I use my dev master to configure the other masters as we receive delivery.

I find the Web interface painfully slow for configuring the security/password settings on many masters. I've connected the "target" masters PROGRAM port to a serial port on the dev master. The dev master then puts its port into 'PASS' mode so that it can interact easily with the target master and set the security settings for me.

As part of my overall config plan I need to transfer the .xml parameter file to the target master. Is there a way to transfer files besides using FTP? If I can do the configuration entirely through the serial PROGRAM port it could make my life a little easier. If not, I will have to take the alternative approach of interrogating the target for its IP address (easy), and use i!-FTPSender to transfer the file. In theory it doesn't sound too difficult.

Some terminal commands:
LIST - return a directory listing
CLEAN DISK - wipe everything, including PROG.TKO, PROG.ZIP, IR files and everything else
FORMAT DISK - same as CLEAN DISK but also re-formats the file system

Is there a similar terminal/telnet (not FTP) command for deleting a file or directory? I'd like to be able to clean out all files that an FTP client can access. I.e. Leave the PROG.TKO, PROG.ZIP & IR files behind. (I'm referring to the IR file that is actually used for the IR device, not the duplicate which is stored in FTP user-space.) There seems to be numerous useful commands which are not listed in the terminal help, nor documented elsewhere.

Roger McLean
Swinburne University
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