High Definition

Hello All,
I have an NXT-CV7 in our theater showroom. The AVB is connected to a Motorolla High Definition Digital Cable Box. When watching a standard definition program on the panel, the image fills the screen. When we switch to a high def program, the image gets letterboxed. It seems to me that this is a 16x9 panel, and as such the high def programming should be full screen. Any thoughts on this issue?
Dave Ohlendorf
ACE Programmer
I have an NXT-CV7 in our theater showroom. The AVB is connected to a Motorolla High Definition Digital Cable Box. When watching a standard definition program on the panel, the image fills the screen. When we switch to a high def program, the image gets letterboxed. It seems to me that this is a 16x9 panel, and as such the high def programming should be full screen. Any thoughts on this issue?
Dave Ohlendorf
ACE Programmer
Is the HD box setup for a 16:9 tv? If the standard def programming is filling the screen, I would lean towards the HD Box "fixing" the video signals.
Video is always 4x3.
On AMX touchpanels when video is displayed on a button it always fills the button, no attempt to mainatin the 4x3 aspect ratio is made.
This means when you watch normal video on a full screen button on a 7" panel it stretches the video to 16x9 (technically distorting it). There is an option in G4 that allows you to "chop off" or crop the video lines on the top and bottom. Its called "Video Cropping" when you assign a video fill to state the property shows up, you can pick the correct number, but remember this happens before the button is filled into the button, so it should match the shape of the button. There are send commands to do this as well. You could very easily have two buttons on your video page that let you select the number of lines to crop off (label 4x3 and 16x9 of course).
Kevin D.
Thanks for the input (I know, bad pun there) - I went with a single button as most of the time, for demo purposes, the box is tuned to a high def station, and the (full screen) preview is only used when the theater is vacant - otherwise the panel is in use. Problem is solved - thanks again for your help.