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Sending IR files... reboot necessary?

Am I loosing my mind, or did the processor used to require a reboot when changing the IR files? I just sent some IR files and was waiting to reboot until after I verified a couple of the new boxes actually had video when I hit one of the buttons out of habit. I was SHOCKED to see the unit respond.

For some reason, I had it in my head that changes to IR files required a processor reboot in the past. Was this the case?


This will save me about 3 hours today and it does make me a little happy :)


  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Spire_Jeff wrote: »
    For some reason, I had it in my head that changes to IR files required a processor reboot in the past. Was this the case?
    I don't remember ever having to reboot for a new IR file. It's always been load and go...
  • no reboot is necessary...
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    Joe Hebert wrote: »
    I don't remember ever having to reboot for a new IR file. It's always been load and go...
    Yep, IR files never required a reboot in my experience either. Maybe someone should make a program that continually pulses a channel on an IR port, and then load an IR file to that port, and see how long it takes from the time the master got the file to the time the IR waves start flying. My guess would be seconds!
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I must be loosing my mind. For some reason, I vividly remember being taught this in one of my early trainings.
    This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for me :)


    - Amazed by the simple things in life since 1976 ;)
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    Spire_Jeff wrote: »
    I must be loosing my mind. For some reason, I vividly remember being taught this in one of my early trainings.

    As long as you are not losing your mind you should be ok.
  • Nope - never a requirement for Netlinx, Ax3, Ax2, IRS4, whatever...

    - Chip
  • I have had to do reboots with some IR files in the pass. The downloaded IR file would not function properly until I did the reboot and then it worked fine.

    P.S. when in doubt, reboot should be your first choice.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I have had to do reboots with some IR files in the pass. The downloaded IR file would not function properly until I did the reboot and then it worked fine.

    P.S. when in doubt, reboot should be your first choice.

    Same here. 99% of the time., just loading it is fine. Yet, that 1%, when it didn't work right away, it did after a reboot. I was never able to discern a pattern as to when this happens.
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