Here's the protocol. I don't remember where I used this, but based on the protocol I probably didn't write a module - just sent commands and didn't play with whatever feedback might have been available...
did you use all pins on RS232C port, the pin configuration on Amx Side includes 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 which DTR,DSR,RTS and CTS are inlcuded, Would it matter if im using only the conventional RXD,TXD,Grd,, VTR side has 25 pins,
As far as I can tell from the manual, you should only need 2, 3 & 5 from the AMX port, to 2, 3 and 7 on the deck, respectively. (The diagram in the manual completely contradicts the description above it - go figure) Worst case, you might have to swap 2 & 3 on one end of the cable.
did you use all pins on RS232C port, the pin configuration on Amx Side includes 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 which DTR,DSR,RTS and CTS are inlcuded, Would it matter if im using only the conventional RXD,TXD,Grd,, VTR side has 25 pins,
just want to share this experience , The codes are working even if its from AJ-D450. I used only pins 2,3,5 from amx. After downloading the program. I got a response from DVC PRo $06$02ER001$03 which means unrecognized commands. I found the problem in Define call. Command should be directly place at button events.
- Chip
Button_event [dvcpro,180] //Play Button
send_string dvcpro,"02h,OPL,03h"
I'd try this unless someone else knows better..
Is this the format of sending commands to VTR Panasonic AJ-D455
Button_event [dvcpro,180] //Play Button
send_string dvcpro,"$02,'OPL',$03"
what is the pin configuration you used...from amx to DVCpro
- Chip