Motorized Screen help
I have a NI2000 controlling a Draper screen. The system is programmed to tell the screen to start to drop and then 10 secs later to stop. Works like a charm, but...after a few hours of inactivity the screen drops to a point several inches farther than normal.
After a reboot, the screen drops to its normal location. But several hours later the same thing.
Any ideas?
After a reboot, the screen drops to its normal location. But several hours later the same thing.
Any ideas?
I think THOMAS has a good idea - if there is no reason for the screen need to go any lower, why not adjust the limit switches to stop it at that point. Nice thing is that you eliminate the 10 second timing part. If, over time, the motors starts to slow down a bit, you can expect a call to re-adjust to compensate for the slower motor rotation.