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MVP8400i panels lockup/white screen problem

I have a project with 3 mvp8400i panels which are are randomly locking up and white screening until the batteries are removed and the panels reset. There is also a CV5 panel which has worked perfectly on the same system (though the layout etc is a bit different).

I have tried moving the panels round the house in the different locations to see if it was a specific panel, or a specific position but that doesn't seem to make a difference as they all go to the white locked up screen in all positions. (though sometimes it can be weeks with out a problem, and other times days)

I have tried removing all feedback from my mainline to make sure it's not too much feedback data being sent to the panels but this hasn't cured it.

I have also tried removing a imerge module that I thought could be the problem as it sends a fair amount of data out but again that has not cured the problem.

I though maybe wireless signal dropout, but my distributor doesn't think that would be the case, and I would think the panel would handle going on and off the wireless without a problem.

Anyone got any ideas or experienced anything similar as my customer is starting to get very annoyed with the situation and I am running out of ideas as to what is causing the problems?

I really appreciate any help or advice you can give me.



  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    I have had quite a few intercom-generation panels that lock up, especially during booting. I have not yet been in the position to send them in for a look-see. I doubt it has anything to do with what you've loaded onto them. Mine have done it while the demo file was still loaded from the factory.
  • jazzwyldjazzwyld Posts: 199

    It does seem like a strange turn of events.

    By chance do you have Dynamic Images on your TP?


    I doubt this could happen to all three, but have they been dropped (maybe the bezel is touching the screen) I had that happen to one panel it locked out any other commands


    Have you called AMX?
  • I can't see any signs that they have been dropped, and they function ok for a while, but then lock up to the white screen every so often. (a lot of the times the client has woke up in the morning and one is locked up)
    I do have some dynamic images from a Axis video server displayed on a popup page that have a 1 sec refresh rate (cctv cameras), but these aren't up very often and I thought that they only requested the images when the page was up?
    I have contacted our distributor about the problem but we don't seem to have been able to figure it out with them yet, maybe I should try AMX direct like you suggested and see if I have any joy.
  • Firmware 2.84.18 for MVP8400 series includes several fixes regarding display issues.
  • I updated the firmware last week (it was slightly odd as they had a firmware on them which was higher that the latest I put on there last week), but had a call from the client again yesterday to say the upstairs panel has white screened again. :-(
  • jazzwyldjazzwyld Posts: 199
    Dynamic Images

    I have had issues in the past when there are conflicts with Dynamic Images. I still think your best bet is calling AMX.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    jazzwyld wrote: »
    I have had issues in the past when there are conflicts with Dynamic Images. I still think your best bet is calling AMX.

    Wow, everyone gave them such stellar reviews over in the 'rate the reliablitity' thread. These are the kinds of problems I've been having myself. At least I know I'm not going crazy now.
  • jazzwyldjazzwyld Posts: 199

    I think you have raised a good observation....

    The same thing happens when the Master seeks out IP information. If it doesn't receive it right away it can hang up quite a few processes.
  • ericmedley wrote: »
    At least I know I'm not going crazy now.
    Now you're reaching a bit... :)

  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    jazzwyld wrote: »
    I think you have raised a good observation....

    The same thing happens when the Master seeks out IP information. If it doesn't receive it right away it can hang up quite a few processes.

    This is actually an inherent problem with all AMX devices and IP connections. There must be a common IP library they are using that has this fault; even their software tends to crash and burn if an IP connection is delayed or interrupted in the process of connecting.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    DHawthorne wrote: »
    This is actually an inherent problem with all AMX devices and IP connections. There must be a common IP library they are using that has this fault; even their software tends to crash and burn if an IP connection is delayed or interrupted in the process of connecting.

    I see this a lot more often with TPD4. If you're uploading panels directly from TPD4 and fail to remember to disconnect from the panel, and then upload a new program to the netlinx master you're working, thus severing the connection from TPD4 and the master, TPD4 will crash. (for extra credit: diagram the previous sentenece...)

    I've always wondered about this phenomenon with AMX stuff. It would seem a simple trap to fix in my mind. Perhaps not.
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    ericmedley wrote: »
    If you're uploading panels directly from TPD4 and fail to remember to disconnect from the panel, and then upload a new program to the netlinx master you're working, thus severing the connection from TPD4 and the master, TPD4 will crash.

    I have seen much less of this lately. I've recently labotomized my PC and am running the second-latest version of TPD4.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I've had it happen with Studio as well ... not near as often as with TPD4, but often enough to be really irritating.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    DHawthorne wrote: »
    I've had it happen with Studio as well ... not near as often as with TPD4, but often enough to be really irritating.

    In my little world....

    NS2 doesn't crash very often. When it does there seems to be no rhyme or reason.

    TPD4 crashes with regularity and is very predictible. It's almost always after a disconnect from the master coming from something else than TPD4. I can predict it happening too. Once the disconnect has happened, I can do 3-4 more major things and it crashes.

    IREdit crashes occasionally from the same kind of thing, a master disconnect. IREdit also does an extremely annoying thing when you're browsing the device tree o' IR files. If you scroll up to somewhere in the middle, say Runco and hit the folder to open it, the list jumps all the way to the end of the whole window. I've learned that it's going to do this everytiime you open a new brand folder. Once you let it do that it will not jump again untiil you select a new brand. wash-rinse-repeat.
  • I've just had another call from the client that the panels have white screened again a few times over the christmas period. I'm going to try disabling all dynamic images for a week or 2 to see if they are causing it as you guys have mentioned they could be a problem. I also have one panel back with AMX for repairs so hopefully should be able to narrow down the problem before long as it's been going on ages....
  • KennyKenny Posts: 209
    I recently put an MVP8400 in and it now locks up sometimes with a white screen but mostly with a dark screen.
    It won't respond to touches or external buttons.
    The installation is in a wall docking station that is out of wireless range. So the panel is offline for long periods of time. Sometimes days.
    I may try to move it into wireless range to see if this stops the lockups.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Kenny wrote:
    The installation is in a wall docking station that is out of wireless range.
    If another AP can't be added near it why was it put there in the 1st place? :D
  • KennyKenny Posts: 209
    vining wrote: »
    Kenny wrote:

    If another AP can't be added near it why was it put there in the 1st place? :D

    This was where the customer wanted it placed. It is never used while in the docking station.
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