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Anyone have any luck with a Trane comfortlink?


  • Conecting through the 232 port on the Tracker?
  • Im using 422/232 adapter supplied by Trane. I'm sure the wiring is ok from Trane to Amx. I 'think' the wiring is ok from Trane adapter to the Ni-3000 (Port 3). My problem is that I am getting inconsistent responses from the Trane unit and no control of the unit it self. I will post the responses I logged from Studio if anyone is interested. The responses are to only be 24 bits. As you can see they vary.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Are you using a premade serial cable to go from the 232adapter to the NI-3000? if so, the extra wires in the cable could be causing you problems. There is a post in one of the forums regarding this subject... I'll try to find the link.

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
  • Thanks for the link. Going back to the job in the morning. I had something weird happen today at the job. If I use a premade cable that is a confirmed straight through with the Trane software WInzone my laptop runs the program fine. I see strings sending and receiving within the program. When I hook the same cable to the NI-3000 I get no response at all on the ports of the NI-3000. If I use a premade cable (Without all the wires connected) I get send and receive in the Ni-3000 and some responses from the Trane (I think they may be echoed). Any idea's?
  • Yep - the COM ports on the NI-3000 aren't pinned the same as your laptop com port is. The extra pins connected with that straight-through cable are messing up the 232 port...

    - Chip
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Originally posted by MarcE
    If I use a premade cable (Without all the wires connected) I get send and receive in the Ni-3000 and some responses from the Trane (I think they may be echoed). Any idea's?

    Only two things come to mind:

    1.Cable can't support the baud rate you are using (See if you can reduce the baud rate)

    2. Is the Trane using software or hardware flow control?

  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917

    Just wondering if you were able to get things working with the Trane system. We are working on a job that might have to go to a Trane system and I'm wondering what is in store for me ;)


  • ipssheldonipssheldon Posts: 106
    I haven't tried control of a Trane from an AMX system, but did get control of a 5 zone system on a Crestr_n system. To make it work, with extensive help from engineering, we had to convert the wiring to RS485 and tie onto the Trane RS485 bus directly. Also, Trane cannot have any of their 11 or 12-button master panels on the same Trane unit that you are trying to control. I think they have to have their 7-btn dumb simple thermostat as the only other control panel on each system.

    The Trane system has some very tight timing requirements in how the protocols are sent and conrol systems cannot necesarily guarentee how tight two strings might be sent back to back. The issue was that Trane wanted the commands faster than the hardware could deliver them, especially if the control system is doing anything else.

    One other thing. We found that the control system had to be almost dedicated to one or maybe two Trane systems. IF it was doing anything more, it could not respond quick enough to the Trane system.

    There are also dipswitches on the Trane that have to be set just right for the system to look at an external interface. I don't have the specifcs,. You'll probably need to have an engineer from Trane assist you.

    AMX may be different, but from what I understand of how Trane operates, I'd doubt that it is that much different.

    Hope this helps.

    Sheldon Samuels
    IPS Resources LLC
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Ok, sounds like we don't interface with Trane at the moment then ;) Thanks for the info. If I happen to find out differently, I'll let everyone know my findings.

  • banobano Posts: 174
    Interface with a Trane Comfortlink system


    I'm getting ready to interface with a Trane Comfortlink system. Any help/suggestions that you could send my way would be greatly appreciated.
    MarcE wrote:
    Thanks for the link. Going back to the job in the morning. I had something weird happen today at the job. If I use a premade cable that is a confirmed straight through with the Trane software WInzone my laptop runs the program fine. I see strings sending and receiving within the program. When I hook the same cable to the NI-3000 I get no response at all on the ports of the NI-3000. If I use a premade cable (Without all the wires connected) I get send and receive in the Ni-3000 and some responses from the Trane (I think they may be echoed). Any idea's?
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Anybody got anything to add to this thread? Successes or failures, tips or tricks.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Anybody got any code for this? I have the protocol but I talked with a Trane rep who said this protocol is 25 years old and being replace by years end. I reallly on't want to write a module for something that will never be used again. Of course I like free but I'll be glad to pay if that's what it takes.
  • davegrovdavegrov Posts: 114
    Trane Manual
    vining wrote: »
    Anybody got any code for this? I have the protocol but I talked with a Trane rep who said this protocol is 25 years old and being replace by years end. I reallly on't want to write a module for something that will never be used again. Of course I like free but I'll be glad to pay if that's what it takes.

    One of my 11 year old Lennox Units is dead so I'm looking at the TRANE system. Saw old manual on www.amx.com. Building a Module in HEX is a major undertaking for a novice like me. I've asked my dealer to get the latest manula from TRANE. Will post if it is newer.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    If you're just replacing the air handler or AC unit no biggy but if you're looking at the comfort link system then you might want to wait until it's replacement is out or instead look at Carrier Infinity or something else if you can't wait. I don't see the point in writing code for something that will be replaced in a year unless there's no choice. I still prefer the basic boiler/air handler & AC and using April Air com stats but I guess using variable speed air handlers is alot more effiecient.

    But if ANYONE has code for the comfort link system to share or sell I'm still interested. Unforntunately I have a job with a brand new comfort link system so I will need to control it and I don't want to write a one off module.
  • davegrovdavegrov Posts: 114

    The HVAC Contractor made no mention of an updated Comfort Link product, but he has not sent back a reply for the manual request. I have AprilAire's now and use them running Cinetouch with no problems. I'd have to write Generic Cinetouch driver and doing all that HEX conversion scares me. The 30K price tag for 3 units also has me questioning the need. The units are 12 years old and I'd hate to replace one and then have one of he other two crap out and have disimiiar units in the house.

    I know you are a code wizard and have shared many of your great projects for free with us in the past. I would consider paying something for a well written module if I select the Trane system. I looked at the Carrier website, but they want $100 per year to access the system through their own web sight.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Dave, you might call us at CineTouch... hex isn't scary to us.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    davegrov wrote: »
    The HVAC Contractor made no mention of an updated Comfort Link product, but he has not sent back a reply for the manual request. I have AprilAire's now and use them running Cinetouch with no problems. I'd have to write Generic Cinetouch driver and doing all that HEX conversion scares me. The 30K price tag for 3 units also has me questioning the need. The units are 12 years old and I'd hate to replace one and then have one of he other two crap out and have disimiiar units in the house.

    I know you are a code wizard and have shared many of your great projects for free with us in the past. I would consider paying something for a well written module if I select the Trane system. I looked at the Carrier website, but they want $100 per year to access the system through their own web sight.


    Sounds like having the HVAC guys just replace the air handlers and/or AC units with standard Trane units would be the easiest solution, then your exisiting wiring, AprilAire stats and programming can remain unchanged. If you convert to the ComfortLink system you'll need to change out the T-Stats to their programmable T-Stats and interface with each of their controllers and that's ususally 1 per air handler. So that's I think 3 comm ports in you situation and the Trane T-Stats aren't that user friendly at least not to my current customer who can't seem to figure out how to control the room temp and niether can the builders for that matter. If you have in wall sensors that could be another issue so I would definitely talk to the powers that be and suggest replacing the equipment with standard Trane (or any other) air handlers and/or AC units. I reall don't think any gain made by using variable speed motors on either device will be worth what you may have to go through.

    I would also suggest you talk w/ JN of the previous post and see what other options they may have. They may have the Carrier system in their bag of tricks (you don't need Carrier's remote management stuff) or some other HVAC systems programs that could achieve everyones needs and desires. Of course that depends what equipment your HVAC guys are dealers for other than Trane.

    FYI the info I got about the replacement protocol/system was from Trane them selves a month or so ago when I inguired about this protocol. The rep I talked with (for my region) said there was an AMX company near by that supposedly has a working module but so far they haven't responded to my quiries about purcahsing a license.
  • davegrovdavegrov Posts: 114
    Trane Follow UP

    From my HVAC Guy:

    The engineers at Trane tell me that is a manual for a zoning application. The XL20i can be used with a home automation system now, but cannot be communicating. This would mean new controls to the outdoor units and possible the thermostats. We can install communicating systems now and next year Trane will have a wireless thermostat that will allow home automation with communicating. I’m trying to get a tech support email for you, if you have further questions.

    Once I get more info I'll share it. Wireless IP with a simple protocol would be nice. Am I dreaming......?
  • jmastersjmasters Posts: 10

    Has anyone had any luck controlling the new ComfortlinkII system with the new comforlinkII touch panel T-stat.

    I have a single system.
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