Database Info Reteival
I have been promising my wife a means of recipe retreival from our Kitchen TP.
I am looking for a means of allowing Netlinx to access data from a common file that she can easily modify such as an Excel spreadsheet.
Could someone point me in a general direction to get started.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
I have been promising my wife a means of recipe retreival from our Kitchen TP.
I am looking for a means of allowing Netlinx to access data from a common file that she can easily modify such as an Excel spreadsheet.
Could someone point me in a general direction to get started.
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Adding recipes to a data base sounds like a real chore and if you're going to enter a large amount into this data base MySQL would be a good choice. If you go this route try Xampp: which is a free bundled download with an Apache server, MySQL, PHP, etc which should give you a good start.
In my case I used a PC running a WEB server to maintain the Access DB file and used AMX to pull data and display on TP. I did this for a global address book for ATC/VTC calls.
But you do have to install IIS in the XP machine and create an application directory. Not too difficult.
You could find the format of an Excel file and develop a parser that pulls the data you want from the file for your use, but it would be much easier to either parse a text based format. The separate server gives you more power and flexibility... if you are familiar with their use and programming.
I am aware that I will have to parse. I'm just trying to figure what would be the best format file for parsing and ultimately using in my application. The main requirement is that the data file be easily edited by the wife. That is why I have considered Access, Excel.
Would I save as a .csv and parse out from there?
Here's one I found in XML here:
Otherwise to enter these recipes by hand in a made up format scripted for txt or CSV parsing file will soon turn your wife against you. That is, if she's the one manually entering all the recipes.