Cable DVR with feedback?
Has anyone found a 3rd party (not comcast, etc) DVR/PVR that allows for bi-directional control? Ultimately I'm looking for a way to provide guide data or current show/channel data on the TP. I was hoping that this would take place with the new Tivo units since they allow for ethernet control, but haven't seen anything come through yet on bi-directional control. I'm also open to PC type units (MyHD, SageTV, MythTV) but don't want to recreate the wheel.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.
You cannot get any program/schedule meta data out of it though.
It is my understanding of cable boxes that the guide comes from third-party software (usually TV Guide) and that the box itself does not have direct access to the software. Commands are sent to the the guide software and its only means of output is on screen.