Miscalibrated Modero - Now What?
in AMX Hardware
I screwed up on the calibration screen, now NO touches register. I tried power cycling the screen, but no luck. Any suggestions?
1: Hold down the 2 bottom buttons on each side of the Touch Panel to get to the setup screen.. BUT don't let go when the setup screen appears. Keep on holding and about 10 seconds later the calibation screen will appear.
I think there is a 3rd method for forcing a panel into calibration mode since I have actually had a panel in such bad shape that the external buttons could not be used for calibration (different problem altogether). I believe if you remove the batteries from the touchpanel and remove power, then press and hold in the middle of the screen, re-apply batteries and/or power, that the calibration screen will appear. Someone check me on this one but I believe Tech Support passed this one along to me some time back.
Also, just a note on Richie's method #2, it depends on having the touchpanel at least configured to the point where it can connect to the Master so the SEND_COMMAND will work. If you have a panel that is not configured properly (communication settings) or has never been configured, method #1 or #3 are your options of choice.