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MVP8400 brightness issue

Hi. We have Mvp8400 with a kick stand v2.84.18 firmware. Panel is constantly connected to the power supply. Not sure if this is a real problem but the issue that Im having with this touchpanel is, whenever it goes back to sleep, and you touch the panel to wake it up, it takes VERY long for the brightness to come back on to acceptable levels.

You can still see the images, but the panel is very dim . I don't know, but to me it looks like when the TP is constantly connected to external power supply, it takes much longer for it to go to max level brightness than taking the TP out of the docking station or disconnecting the TP from the external power supply.

Im using following panel settings

Panel Brightenss - 100
Battery Power Brightness Limit - Disabled
Panel ShutDown - 0
Low Battery Warning - 15
Very Low Battery Warning - 5

Before I had Display Timeout at 15 , now got it to 0 . Can I leave it at 0 , without any issues ?

We are also installing ******** systems, and I never had such issues with TPMC-8X. In a docking station or by itself, whenever you wake it up it is at its maximum brightness level that you set in the settings.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    The panel might need to go in for repair. I've seen a couple panels do this but it's definitely not the norm. Don't suffer silently. They can't fix it if you don't report it. :)
    I'd call Tech Support.
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