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Intercom Panels Lock During Booting


To date, every intercom-generation panel I have dealt with has had lockups during booting. They hang while the AMX logo is being displayed. The only way to bring them back to life is to remove power and re-apply. Usually they won't hang again for a few more boots.

I have had this with brand new panels with no UI loaded as well as fully installed, operational panels, numerous systems, no common-code etc. It's definitely the panels.

Tech support has no ideas or is at least staying mum.

Has anyone else had similar experiences? Seems I'm all alone here.

PS: All intercom panels STILL hang sometimes on playback of their default button press sound regardless of firmware.

Given that the touch panels are the most expensive and most in_front_of_the_end_user part of the systems, I am quite disappointed.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Yes on a couple panels.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    it's not just the intercom panels, it's just that current panels are all intercom panels.
    I've had this with the "older" panels as well...
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Funny, I've not seen this. There were one or two times I thought a panel was locking up, but if I just gave it some time (far more than usual) it eventually came up on its own.

    Tech support staying mum, however, is indicative that they know of the problem, but don't have a solution yet. I can't tell you how many times I've reported a problem, heard from tech support that they "didn't have a history" of that particular issue, only to find it listed on a fix in a subsequent firmware update.
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