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Help!!!!!! library files missing

All the code that I have been writing now when I compile it it has many errors .
SYSTEM_CALL 'SLD1' (SLIDE1,TP,44,45,46,47,48,0,0)
error Library file not found SLD1
same thing with a vol 1 system file
I cannot load any code as all /most of the rooms have these system calls in there. Help!!!
Where can I find these where did they go?


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Stewart wrote: »
    All the code that I have been writing now when I compile it it has many errors .
    SYSTEM_CALL 'SLD1' (SLIDE1,TP,44,45,46,47,48,0,0)
    error Library file not found SLD1
    same thing with a vol 1 system file
    I cannot load any code as all /most of the rooms have these system calls in there. Help!!!
    Where can I find these where did they go?

    probably the easiest way to deal with this is just do a full unistall and reinstall of NS2.
  • StewartStewart Posts: 37
    Lost library files

    I have a panja Studio software package that I reloaded. Same problem. This is just Access not Netlinx. Is Access available from AMX website?
    Interestingly I have a desk top computer that does find the files and compiles with no errors... Same exact code.
    I loaded this from the disc perhaps 5 months ago.
  • StewartStewart Posts: 37
    lost lib files

    I assume if I download Netlinx studio my Access code would be workable as Access is a subset of Netlinx
  • AuserAuser Posts: 506
    Stewart wrote: »
    I assume if I download Netlinx studio my Access code would be workable as Access is a subset of Netlinx

    Correct. When you add a system to a NetLinx Studio workspace you specify whether it's Access or NetLinx.

    The only gotcha is that some versions of Studio lose device mappings for IR files (and possibly other file types) when you add them to the file transfer list. They are all added to the list mapped to device 0. You have to manually edit the device mapping in the file transfer list in order for them to send correctly.

    Edit: Oops, Axcess not Access. Ewe no wot eye meen.
  • Those files generally live in \Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\SYCs

    Could you have deleted, renamed, or moved that directory?

    If you go into Settings and Preferences, there is an area in the Access Compiler and NetLinx Compiler tabs that lets you point to that folder. You may want to look and make sure that it is still set up correctly.
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