Is there some kind of setup port that references a level?

Hi there. Very simple question: is it possible to set the address port of a button so that it updates the text on it according to some specific level? Kinda like what the Time setup port does, but with a level. Or do I necessarily have to use the SEND_LEVEL command?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
I actually do this most of the time for transport control and any other fixed text displays like surround modes, etc. It allows transport control to be automatically mutually exclusive since I put them all on the same level channel with their corresponded on state to match the appropriate level and being a level your text displays as levels states are managed by the master.
I'll do entire device pages w/o variable text send_commands or channel feedback if possibly and handle everything w/ levels.
Perhaps you might explain specifically what you wish to accomplish. There might be an easier way to get the gig done.
What you're describing would be possible if you made a multi-state level and put the desired text in each frame of the graphic for the level. On obvious one would be the old fashioned odometer type clocks that have a set of wheels that roll by to display the time. Or even an analog clock.
But if your goal is to be able to send some set of text to a button, then there's much easier ways of doing that.
I have no idea, however, where this is documented. I found the example listed above by looking at the program on a demo panel ... prior to seeing it done on a panel with no master, I had no idea it was possible. I've toyed with some other $ strings:
$A is the absolute value of the level
$H is the high level cap
$L is the low level cap
(so something like "$A of $H" would read "50 of 100" if the level went to 100 and was currently 50).
$R I'm guessing is for "range," seems to be the same as $H
Well, what I want is exactly that. Playing with the TP solo. No master. The touch panel I'm programming is going to be shown off to some potencial client, but without a master. So I wanted the text on a bargraph to be updated with the percentage of the level. That's what the code you're talking about does, right? The TP itself updates the text?
I'm going to try it off now
It's documented in the Appendix section of any of the Modero Instruction manuals.