Accent 3 Slave Mode
I have a system with a NI4000 and a NI3000 in M2M. I ran out of serial ports on the 4000 so I put in an Accent in slave mode. There were 3 CTG-Lon devices on these ports. These are HVAC LON interfaces from Comm-Tec and are very chatty. I have another 3 of these gateway devices on the 4000. It had been reported that some HVAC sones were unresponsive and I was unable to see activity in device notification. A reboot will restore function for awhile. I moved 2 of the gateways onto the 4000 and the problem appears to have gone away. Never using Accent before I have no reference. Does this make any sense to you Accent experts? Thanks.
What were/are the baud rate settings on the Accent 3 ports? Overrun problem???
Hope this helps
Moving slower devices to the Axcent is what has worked for me as well.