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How to egt firmware version in controler


I have a CV7 panel who freeze 2 or 3 times a year, I want to udate firmware to try to fix this problem.

In firmware kit description is indicate " Requires latest master firmware (Build 352 or greater). "

How I can get info .


  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Denis wrote: »
    In firmware kit description is indicate " Requires latest master firmware (Build 352 or greater). "

    How I can get info .
    Here are a few different ways to find the firmware version of the NI Master:

    You can telnet into the NI Master and from the command prompt type in:
    Show device 0

    Or you can use Netlinx Studio and view the master (device 00000) firmware in the online tree.

    Or you can HTTP into the NI Master and select device 00000 ? Ni Master to view the info.
  • DenisDenis Posts: 163
    Thanks Joe

    I uploaded the new firmware yesterday (sorry for long delay) and I hope as that will fix the issue with this panel.
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