MVP-8400 compact flash scandisk Corrupt.
in AMX Hardware
I receive MVP-8400i around 3 months before. It was working fine. Day before yesterday I see in my panel design something is change in animation. I try to go in setup menu but panel is hung. I remove the battery to reboot the panel. When I reconnect its hung on amx logo. i get daout on compact flash I remove flash disk and I connect with pc to scan it. Scan disk is showing stomach bad sector. I don?t know it really corrupted or no. can I use normal scan disk from market and can I download the firmware on it or I must have to order from AMX. Anybody have idea or anybody get experience with this.
AMX send me a new memory card and i installed it without any problems.
I m sure you could buy your own memory card and load the necessary files into it,but you have to make sure you copy all the files into the memory card