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What functionality do you wish NetLinx had / What annoys you?

After working on Big C hardware for a while, I am finding myself coming back to more and more AMX jobs, which is pleasing. I come from a programming background, though, and honestly, find a few of the quirks of AMX a bit annoying (usually not so much as Big C's raped gcc2.95 for SIMPL+, but...). Some is likely oversight, others are expected but odd functionality, but what about Netlinx makes you tick?

Personally, the biggest two for me are:
Lack of ternary operators (condition ? if true : if false)
Cases handled differently from any other language

There are others ... just can't think of them right now, and they're not as annoying as these :)

What quirks or oversights do you wish were looked into, or which functionality do you wish was added?


  • maxifoxmaxifox Posts: 209
    Poor data handling (lack of associative arrays, regular expressions). Considering that data parsing is very routine in Netlinx I wish Netlinx would be based in Perl, for example... Why to reinvent wheel?
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    passing structures to modules :p

    oh, and tab completion for parameters in modules...
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Since more and more devices are IP or are connected via serial servers it would be nice if some day we could see things in notifications. This has been asked for many times but has yet to be implemented. Why?

    In regard to modules why can't we pass a constant value? Why does it need to be a variable? But we can pass a constant array, does this make sense?
  • bcirrisibcirrisi Posts: 148
    My NetLinx qualms;

    > No IP Notifications
    > No ability to manage Oline/Offline messages in telnet (anyone have a program that constantly goes online to read RSS feeds, it's impossible to get anything else done inside telnet)
    > A functioning GET_LAST feature for level events
    > No ability to check to see if an IP devices (server or client) is online, why do we need to track the status ourselves?
    > Can't use Un-Declared variables!!!
    > No auto code crafting. (automatically space programming as you type it, similar to Flash)
    > No native XML parsing (Parent.Child. etc..)
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    What I'd like to see in the programming environment:

    True multi-threading; no more system crawling to a halt and freezing because of a busy process.
    Real OOD: ability to call internal module functions from the outside.
    More robust debugger.
    Better version management.

    Not really as big a list as it could have been; I have workarounds for all of the above, so they are little more than annoyances.

    On the hardware side, my main gripe is the IRIS. That dang thing desperately needs updating. It drives me absolutely crazy to have trouble capturing signals that a $50 remote has no trouble with.
  • jazzwyldjazzwyld Posts: 199
    Here's one

    > Having Persistent Variables be able to hold their values in modules
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    One that comes to mind is the inability for the compiler look at all of the DEFINE_VARIABLE sections in ALL includes before compiling code.

    A couple more:
    - No utility to go through and identify unused variables, constants, calls and functions.
    - Lack of a true first_available_port function for setting up IP communications.

  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    Epic complaint post - the definitive list of mpullin complaints

    - Notifications from IP devices
    (maybe if we all write this one they will do it)

    - Ability to view notifications/diagnostics with more than one instance of NS at a time
    (let me get my money's worth out of my dual screen)

    - More descriptive errors...
    ("Major system error during code generation" is not helpful)

    - and the ability to show us more than one error at a time.
    (CodeWarrior, the first C++ compiler I ever used, goes through your program and shows all the errors it finds. Sometimes (rarely) it will display "Confused by earlier errors, bailing out" and stop. With NetLinx Studio, it seems every error confuses it to the point of giving up.)

    - Better documentation of the runtime errors NetLinx throws.
    (Recently I called TS and asked about 2 errors:
    1. Ref Error ? Index to large
    2. StackAssignExpress Error Unsupported
    For the first error I was told that there are a problem with one of my arrays but the compiler wasn't being nice and telling me which array it was. (turns out it was because the array was an unbounded array that was a function parameter and I was trying to access cell [3] of it, when the string passed was 'A0')
    For the second error the tech didn't know, and the only case where it came up was a case where a guy was using too many if statements without {} brackets. If your language throws a runtime error, there should be intelligent documentation of the error and your techs should have access to it.)

    - Support for multiple packets, so I can change the contents of a multidimensional array in the debugger.

    - If I start a transfer, and one of the files in question is open, then give me an opportunity to cancel the operation!! You currently throw an error window saying 'Such file is in use and will not be transferred!' and you only give me an OK button. It's NOT okay. It puts me in a race condition where I have to right click and cancel the transfer before the token gets sent, when the master reboots and I have to wait for it before trying again. This is bad design!

    - Switch/Case is a beautiful coding structure. Implement it the way the rest of the world does.
  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    Proper object orientation, if it's not going to be implimented, at least stop calling it a OO language.

    Something similar to javadoc, or phpdoc for code documentation.

    REGEXP would be extrememly useful for string parsing and manipulation.

    +1 for ternary operators as well.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    PhreaK wrote: »
    Proper object orientation, if it's not going to be implimented, at least stop calling it a OO language.
    Is someone calling it an OOP language Kim? The only thing OO I can think of about NetLinx is the ability to create STRUCTS.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    PhreaK wrote: »
    +1 for ternary operators as well.

    Why do you care about the ternary operator? It is easily replaced with an if else statement. I am sure most compilers turn them into that anyway.
  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    I wasn't directing the OO comment at any on this forum. The AMX promo guff and training materials call it OO.

    The request for a ternary operator is just to allow a bit more shorthand for simple logic statement, just a way to keep things neat and simplistic.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    PhreaK wrote: »
    The request for a ternary operator is just to allow a bit more shorthand for simple logic statement, just a way to keep things neat and simplistic.

    I have a feeling that this was left out on purpose. I understand how it can be nice once you get used to it, but for the multitude of people new to programming and those that don't code often, I feel that the shorthand can be confusing and far from simplistic. I understand that you don't have to use it, but even one of the Java books I was reading recently discourages their use because it is easier to read code without them.

    Just personal opinion and observations. I honestly don't care if they add it, as I can understand it, but I would probably stick to if else myself.

  • I would also like to see full C++ style object oriented features.

    To me, object oriented means user defined classes with methods, inheritance and data encapsulation. Not just user defined types which are analagous to structures in C which is not OO.

    Also the ability to overload functions would be useful. (sometimes)
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    Bigsquatch wrote: »
    I would also like to see full C++ style object oriented features.

    What would you gain by doing this? That is a lot of unnecessary overhead for an RTOS.
  • a_riot42 wrote: »
    What would you gain by doing this? That is a lot of unnecessary overhead for an RTOS.

    Classes, like structures, can store their own status and other info, and using member functions (unlike structures) can act on that that info without having to use for example an array to track states and which zone is currently controlled etc.

    And with member functions data can truly be encapsulated by declaring data to be private to each instance of a class. Then it can only be changed by public functions of that class which gives the class itself control over it's own data. This is less risky than using a globally declared variable, which isn't associated with your device other than by your say so, to track the status of your device.

    Inheritance: Devices could inherit from more generalized devices. If every device you use is powered then you may have a very basic class that stores On/Off state and has a generic 'power on' function. Devices derived from this class then automatically have state variables and a function for powering on the device which may or may not need to be overriden.

    I know about Cafe Duet and Java but it would be nice to have some of this functionality in NS IMO.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    What would you gain by doing this? That is a lot of unnecessary overhead for an RTOS.
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    Why do you care about the ternary operator? It is easily replaced with an if else statement. I am sure most compilers turn them into that anyway.
    Why do you spend so many posts shooting down the posts of others? The original poster was interested in what other forum members want from NetLinx. Such negative posts will only discourage people from contributing ideas.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    PhreaK wrote: »
    I wasn't directing the OO comment at any on this forum. The AMX promo guff and training materials call it OO.

    This is true, although I hadn't really noticed it before. From the Programmer II objectives:
    Use AMX software and skills to configure AMX hardware, and program, compile and test an AMX control system using:
    -Object Oriented Programming
    -Conditional Statements

    Based on the context, I'd say somebody confused Object Oriented with Event Driven. NetLinx is about as object oriented as C.
  • It seems to me that AMX faces two problems. The first is they want to keep NetLinx accessible to entry level programmers and A/V installers. Because of this they don't want to make the language to difficult. The second is that they have programmers trying to do things with the system that they never imaged people would do. AMX seemed to recognize this and developed Duet instead of making the core NetLinx code more difficult. At first plush this seemed smart to me but I think they failed because they did not go all the way. If they had truly created a dual interpreter system then those of us that wanted to, could code entirely in Java and have all of the coding benefits associated with it. Other wise guys could cut there teeth with NetLinx and still develop kick but code. And if they desired at some point learn Java.

    So I would ask that AMX instead of modifying NetLinx anymore make Duet a true platform to program with.

    Just my two (or ten) cents.
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    So I would ask that AMX instead of modifying NetLinx anymore make Duet a true platform to program with.

    In what regards is Duet not a true platform to program? I've only seen Duet in PIII but I thought the pitch was that pretty much anything Netlinx can do can also be done with Duet.

    After PIII I was all psyched to start using Duet, but didn't have the $1K to spend (or willingness to part with said $1K).
  • At first plush this seemed smart to me but I think they failed because they did not go all the way. If they had truly created a dual interpreter system then those of us that wanted to, could code entirely in Java and have all of the coding benefits associated with it. Other wise guys could cut there teeth with NetLinx and still develop kick but code. And if they desired at some point learn Java.

    That's the way it is now isn't it?
    The last couple of single room systems I have been hired to do have been programmed exclusively in Duet (why? just because), and at some point in the next little while I figure I'll try a larger distributed system - but not quite there yet.
  • Currently you can only program modules with Duet and you still have to link them to the NetLinx code (Unless something has changed that I'm not aware of). I am asking to be able to program the whole nine yards in Duet. If you could do that then there would be no need to modify NetLinx.

    NetLinx could be left as is for use as an entry into the AMX world. Those that don't have the time or money or want to, to learn Duet/Java can still program great stuff (we've all been doing it for years). But for those of us that want OOP why not have Duet be full blown.

    Trust me I don't like the $1000 dollar price tag either. But I would be more willing to pay a fee for Duet if I knew that was the only language I would have to use. Right now I can't justify paying $1000 bucks just to write modules. I can write modules right now for free. Sure there are the added benefits of Duet but I want those benefits to spread across all of my code.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    Colzie wrote: »
    In what regards is Duet not a true platform to program? I've only seen Duet in PIII but I thought the pitch was that pretty much anything Netlinx can do can also be done with Duet.

    After PIII I was all psyched to start using Duet, but didn't have the $1K to spend (or willingness to part with said $1K).

    Duet is a platform for developing device communication modules, not for developing entire programs. Your system will still be written in NetLinx, Duet just means that you can write your own device communication modules. My understanding is that it was originally developed so equipment manufacturers could write their own modules with needing to have their programmers learn NetLinx.

    I don't recommend trying to write the entire program in Duet, but if you did try, you would still have lots of NetLinx code to pass data back and forth between your devices and your Duet code.

    I'm personally happy with NetLinx as a language, and that's why I've been quiet so far on this thread. Sure, it's missing stuff I would use, but that's true of every language. I think it's a good balance, and well designed for the application. It's also a niche language, so its syntax and compiler aren't going to receive the same amount of attention that C or another major language will.
  • Currently you can only program modules with Duet and you still have to link them to the NetLinx code (Unless something has changed that I'm not aware of). I am asking to be able to program the whole nine yards in Duet. If you could do that then there would be no need to modify NetLinx.

    All you need is the Netlinx stub that calls the Duet module (in this case module meaning the whole nine yards).
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    jweather wrote: »
    Duet is a platform for developing device communication modules, not for developing entire programs. Your system will still be written in NetLinx, Duet just means that you can write your own device communication modules.

    We wrote an entire program in Java in PIII. It still had to have a Netlinx Master file (to call the Java code) but it was essentially one line, if I remember correctly.

    This is why I was excited. I'm definitely NOT going to write Java modules to get called from a standard Netlinx program. Developing the additional protocol (levels, channels, send_commands, send_strings, whatever) to talk between Netlinx and Java is not something I'm going to do. SNAPI is not an option for me.

    If I can do my complete system in Java (I think it is technically possible) I'm on board and think it is the next logical step for someone wanting "more" as far as programming a Netlinx box.
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    Colzie wrote: »
    If I can do my complete system in Java (I think it is technically possible) I'm on board....

    Oh yeah, except for the $1K issue plus the learning curve time required...
  • truetrue Posts: 307
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    Why do you care about the ternary operator? It is easily replaced with an if else statement. I am sure most compilers turn them into that anyway.

    Mostly, readability. But, also for situations like this

    send_string 0, "'Hello, I am ', age > 30 ? 'an oldster' : 'a youngster'"

    As it is, you can't even do this in netlinx - one would have to use a temporary variable. (Or am I wrong?)
    bcirrisi wrote: »
    > Can't use Un-Declared variables!!!
    NetLinx is like many other typed languages that have this requirement. Just define your variable.
    What I do wish is that I didn't have to declare variables in a define_variable area...
    So I would ask that AMX instead of modifying NetLinx anymore make Duet a true platform to program with.
    Perhaps... but Duet is such a hackjob, and is slow. I'm also not much of a Java dev :) I'd rather really like to see bindings for C, or Lua/Pawn, or something else along those lines than Java.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    true wrote: »
    What I do wish is that I didn't have to declare variables in a define_variable area...

    Don't forget that you can have multiple DEFINE_VARIABLE sections. If you have a bunch of variables that logically belong in a certain section of the code, stick them in a new DEFINE_VARIABLE section. Just don't forget to put a DEFINE_EVENT below it.

    Also don't forget that you can use STACK_VARs and LOCAL_VARs in functions and events where you need them to reduce the number of global variables you need.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    mpullin wrote: »
    Why do you spend so many posts shooting down the posts of others? The original poster was interested in what other forum members want from NetLinx. Such negative posts will only discourage people from contributing ideas.

    I am curious about others ideas, so if I don't think they make sense or I don't understand them I ask questions to find out. Not sure why you view this as 'negative'. In the field of programming, such back and forth is good to knead the best ideas out, and also to make people think. Sorry if you or anyone else was offended.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Given the multitude of duet post, I won't quote any specific one, and I will make this quick in an attempt to get the thread back on track.

    1. Duet is not slow. String operations are I think around 10x faster than netlinx. Some very simple code might be slightly slower, but not on the level that is implied. The thing that makes duet slow is the SNAPI router. If code was written completely in Duet, it would not incur this penalty.

    2. You can write a program entirely in Duet, but you do still need one line of netlinx code to tell the processor to load your Duet code.

    3. The biggest problem with Duet seems to be documentation. Duet opens up a LOT of functionality and even more control of AMX hardware, but because of this increased capability, you have to do a couple of extra coding things. Like instead of having separate command, string and online sections in NetLinx, device communications all fire the same method in Java and it is up to you to handle them accordingly. (You do have an indication as to what type of event it is tho :) )

    On those notes, I would like to see NetLinx keep its simplicity so that I can use it when I have very simple systems that don't require the level of control offered by duet. I would also like to see some resource dedicated to making Duet a little more polished so that it can be used as a complete system a little easier.

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