Integrated Contoller Does Not Appear in Device list
in AMX Hardware
Hi, I have been having major problems with my NI-2100.
The unit was working fine for months then one evening the whole unit stopped working.
I do not believe i had any software problems as the unit has been working for so long.
On trying to reupload the software to the unit any .irl files that were trying to be sent to 5001 NI-2100 device would not upload giving me an error saying the unit timed out waiting for the upload.
Now in the device tree in NetLinx Studio the device NI-2100 does not appear at all, nor does it appear in the web interface to the netlinx.
Do you have any ideas what could have happened here? I did try updating the firmware but obviously the Netlinx studio cannot find device 5001 to upload the new firmware to.
many thanks
The unit was working fine for months then one evening the whole unit stopped working.
I do not believe i had any software problems as the unit has been working for so long.
On trying to reupload the software to the unit any .irl files that were trying to be sent to 5001 NI-2100 device would not upload giving me an error saying the unit timed out waiting for the upload.
Now in the device tree in NetLinx Studio the device NI-2100 does not appear at all, nor does it appear in the web interface to the netlinx.
Do you have any ideas what could have happened here? I did try updating the firmware but obviously the Netlinx studio cannot find device 5001 to upload the new firmware to.
many thanks
thanks for the quick reply!
After you set this up, you hit the button on the back of the NI. If all is well, it should grab the new address. I think you'll need to reboot and it should be better.
Time to call tech support.
My guess here is the controller has gone bad and is falling off the buss. The fact that you can get it to appear, but it won't stay active supports this.