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Network usage

Hello All
I am trying to locate information about the network load that a typical 7" panel and NI controller will place on a network for standard communication between the 2 devices during idle mode (no one pushing anything). Does anyone know were to look? I've looked at many places and am unable to find this info.


  • It depends on what information you actually need. If you want to see each packet flying by you can use wireshark [http://www.wireshark.com] , this is a great tool and gets pretty low-level. You can also use a commercial tool (search google for network monitor). Some routers also have built-in tools to measure traffic.

    Remember to use a wired connection and use a hub not a switch to monitor all the network traffic.
  • maxifoxmaxifox Posts: 209

    In your case, the easiest way to estimate network load between the two nodes is to gather all the packets between them. You need to mirror either touchpanel or netlinx port on a switch and gather the traffic with, for example, wireshark.

    (you will find though that there is some network load that does not contribute directly to the traffic between these two, that is generally unavoidable).

    Another way is to query snmp agent on netlinx master for the stats. However, you will not be able to get the stats per node, it is aggregated summary (if you have only two AMX nodes, that may useful).
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    My NXD-CV7 uses about 100 bytes/sec in heartbeat traffic while idle, at a rate of 1.2 packets/second.

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