5200i Setup Page
in AMX Hardware
For no good reason i removed the option to access the setup page of the panel from the front scroll wheel, is there a way to undo this. A factory default. I cannot even connect to the device via usb now.
Try to telnet into the device and send the command SETUP
No luck there, please tell me its not a retuen to amx job.
Press the middle button until the panel shuts down.
Press it again to turn it on
Touch the screen until the panel completely boots up (a green dialog box should come up soon saying "release for set up page"
I owe you one, got me right out of the s*i* there i really should not mess before a client demo is due in the morning. Is that method in the manual ?
I have no idea I have never read a manual. Before Modero, that's how you got into the setup menu