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Non-Volatile Mem Barf

OK - so my shop NI700 crahsed this morning,the diagnostics would not show any devices coming online upon boot-up, but they were all there in the device tree. The program was not running.

After a bunch o' troubleshooting w/ tech support I found the non-volatile memory pointer was not getting initialized (using the show log all command)

After a clean disk (several times with reboots inbetween) and a factory reset command (new to the .41.414 firmware) and a blank program loaded (one TP device and 2 button pushes - well not totally blank but pretty small none the less) I found that there was only 59K of non-volatile memory available. That is 59K out of 500K (using the show mem command)

There is nothing I can do to regain more of my non-volaitle memory. So this box is taking a little trip to Big D to have some non-volatile smoke put back into it.

Anybody seen anything like this before?
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