Adding a device property in Meeting manager
I know I can add a property by adding it in the AMX code and reloading it. However is there a way to add a property to a device in a system without having to update the code. I'm trying to add a weekly hours used variable to the control system to see how many hours each av system is used in all the classrooms on campus and if I can avoid having to reload several hundred classroom's programs that would be great.
I was looking through meeting manager and it looks like I can change current property names but I don't see any interface that allows making new properties. Am I missing something or is it strictly only generated in the netlinx runtime on the control systems?
I was looking through meeting manager and it looks like I can change current property names but I don't see any interface that allows making new properties. Am I missing something or is it strictly only generated in the netlinx runtime on the control systems?
thats what I was afraid of. Thanks