RMS reporting systems offline
I recently installed the RMS server upgrade ver 3.2.73 to correct some source usage reporting problems, which it seems to have done. However within about a week of that our systems started dropping offline. Or so RMS reports, they aren't actually offline, they can be contacted through Netlinx Studio or WebControl etc. Rebooting the masters doesn't help. I replaced the RMSCommon file which was to fix this same problem for the NI3101, however most of our systems are NI2000 or 2101. We now have 13 systems offline and counting, almost 10% of all our systems. I opened a ticket for this, just wonder if anyone else has heard of this or had the same problem.
I used RMS Codecrafter to create the axi files necessary to add all of our rooms, expectedly. Recently, my colleague has been using the i!-DBWizard to work on a project of his own to return information from all systems and place it in an SQL database. What we discovered is that both programs will create a file that uses the device 0:3:0 for different purposes. In the case of Codecrafter it uses it for dvRMSSocket.
For i!-DBWizard, it used it for dvDB_Client. This of course causes a conflict and our systems were unable to connect to the RMS server as he updated each one. So if you're using both of these programs, make sure you change the default device number in one of them.
I have tried to change the dvRMSSocket off the code crafter but the problem persists.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
I am updating the SQL Server database to the 9.0.3043 version.
Is your code trying to auto-detect what kind of devices are available? I've heard that there are some weird issues specific to the NI-4000 (or NI-4100) where on-board serial devices do not show up as being of the serial type. I don't have access to a NI-4000 to test it myself.
If you're not too concerned with sharing your code, PM me and I can test it on my NI-3100 against our v3.2.73 server.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
I have been working out of the office and I didn?t enought time to test.
I will try to starting now.
Best regards
I have send the code to an AMX distributor in spain, he have recompilled the code and run OK in his server.
This monday hi will send me a compiled code and I can test if the problem is in my computer.
Good point. Can you point me to a resource that will remind me what files I need to compile from there?
From C:\Program Files\AMX Resource Management Suite\NetLinx I copy the following:
I tend not to use the last two, but I guess it is up to you as to what you need in your RMS implementation. If you're using the RFID tags you will need the appropriate RFID files as well (from the same directory).
You may want to copy RMSProjectorMod.axs instead of the .tko, then modify the lamp hours to a more suitable default value. (See the RMS_DEVICE_STATUS_LIMIT.) You will probably have to dig out a few dependencies from the above directory to get it to compile, but once you've build your own .tko you can use that instead.
Roger McLean
Swinburne University
EDIT: ok gave it a try, didn't do the trick though. Back to tech support with me.
I had a combination of masters NI4100, NI3100, NI3000 everything running latest firmwares and SDK. I do suspect a network configuration change from networks (University) caused this as the masters were all in the same building.