I am building a new system with 4 color thermostats and 3 7" touch panels. Have installed the weather module, but the thermostats and the touch panels have different infomation, typically weather icon and current temp. A UI module is used for the touch panels, but it appears the thermostat handler does its own gathering of info from the weather module. Any thoughts? I'm assuming they update at different times and am not sure if the current icon on the thermostats represents "right now" or the forecast. The TP's typically appear correct.
I am building a new system with 4 color thermostats and 3 7" touch panels. Have installed the weather module, but the thermostats and the touch panels have different infomation, typically weather icon and current temp. A UI module is used for the touch panels, but it appears the thermostat handler does its own gathering of info from the weather module. Any thoughts? I'm assuming they update at different times and am not sure if the current icon on the thermostats represents "right now" or the forecast. The TP's typically appear correct.
I'm currently working on s system with 5 Color Viewstats and i!-Weather. I'm in the process of retooling the module. I've not found what you describe myself. I set the default zipcode for the module to my area and it seems to line up nicely.
I am having other issues, however. I love how the test module doesn't compile.
While the module is missing several key components, I do like one thing about it. The UI is now completely open. I was able to take out, what for me is, flakiness.
I've created my own presets page. I'm not a big fan of the open a popup to select a preset and open another popup (with the same buttons) to 'set' a preset. I pretty much always make a preset work by 1) hit it to recall the preset, 2) hold for 2 seconds to set a preset and 3) hold for 4 seconds to clear it out. So, I made my own rig for doing that.
I also consolidated the 5-6 pages and 5-6 popups from the origianl down to 2 user popups (Forecast and Current) and one admin popup
I'm still working out how to deal with the Station IDs and by proxy, weather outside the U.S.
can anyone confirm this??
Is this possibly being caused by the feature where a level event is not generated if the level does not change? I have had to deal with this a couple of times, but I have not specifically started playing with the iWeather module yet. Is there a way to set the levels to 0 and then do the refresh to see if things work properly?
I basically scrapped the AMX module for the thermostats and wrote a Netlinx module from scratch. No protocol statement for current condition that I can find.
The basic idea with the new module is that the T-Stats are defaulted to the first instance of the module. The location is supposed to be defaulted to the local address. That way the T-Stats will show the local info. If you send the command to go to another zipcode or weather station ID to the first instance/virt_device, you'll notice that the T-Stats will show that location.
In my case I've made the T-Stats zone 1. 1 group of TPs is the 2nd zone and a 2nd group of TPs and DMS keyads are on zone 3
I just have one instance of the weather module, since I scrapped the AMX TStat module I added the handling of weather to the tstats to the UI module that is driving the touch screens. Nothing out of the ordinary except there isn't a way that I can find to set the current weather condition. So basically I have a touch panel and a thermostat side by side with different weather icons on the front page.