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Password Reset

Hello, can anyone help me to reset password in ni-3000? Is there any way to reset it with dip switches maybe? I can't do anything with that. Isn't it useless now?


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Hello, can anyone help me to reset password in ni-3000? Is there any way to reset it with dip switches maybe? I can't do anything with that. Isn't it useless now?

    You'll need to send it in to AMX. There is no way to reset the password in the field.
  • If you can upgrade the firmware to the latest version(3.41.414), you can use RESETADMINPASSWORD through Program Port to reset the admin password to its defaults. (If your password is not setup in a way that block access from program port and ICSP).

    Hope it help
  • Nothing helped. I can't even connect to the port. The only way is to find pass or send controller to AMX. Thank you, guys.
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