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Problem with WAP-200G


I have a WAP-200G that has been working just fine. Today I replaced my old router with a Sonicwall TZ180.

Now PCs cannot get DHCP addresses from the Sonicwall through the WAP when they boot up or with release/renew. If I reboot the WAP-200G after the DHCP connections fail, all of the PCs then get addresses shortly after the WAP comes back up. However if the PC is then rebooted, no address until until rebooting the WAP.

There is a WAP-250G is another part of the building on the same LAN. It work normally.

Any ideas? Thanks.


  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    Basically what I'm saying is that DHCP from my new Sonicwall does not work very well through the WAP-200G. Sonicwall DHCP through another access point and through Ethernet connections works fine.
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