G3 firmware
in AMX Hardware
Hi Guys,
I have a question regarding some old touchpanels i have lying around here.
I'm in a desperate need of some g3 firmware upgrade files so i can burn new EEproms for an AXT-CV and a AXP-TLC touchscreen.
If somebody can help me out i would be very thankful.
I have a question regarding some old touchpanels i have lying around here.
I'm in a desperate need of some g3 firmware upgrade files so i can burn new EEproms for an AXT-CV and a AXP-TLC touchscreen.
If somebody can help me out i would be very thankful.
But the problem may be the memory of the panels. The AXT-CV needs the extended memory of 1MB (2x 512kB), and the TLC 256kB (2x 128kB). I know that several types of the S-RAMs are not longer available from manucaturers.
thanks for the reply,but i don't know if amx is willing to help me because i bought the panels on ebay.
Therefore i hope to update these panels by walking the unofficial path.
Getting the firmware is one, getting the memory chips is the second.
Hope someone can help me out.
But that is the problem.
If i want to request for some support, they ask for a amx dealer code, something i ofcourse don't have.