Metreau MET-6N Navigation Wheel

I got this to work when you turn the nav wheel counter-clockwise it will ramp the volume down and turning it clockwise will ramp the volume up. The only thing is that you have to turn the wheel several times just to go up or down a few decibels. How would I go about increasing the rate so you don't have to turn the nav wheel so much?
here is what I wrote for the nav wheel:
here is what I wrote for the nav wheel:
BUTTON_EVENT [dvKP_1187,12] BUTTON_EVENT [dvKP_1187,13] { PUSH: { ON [button.input] //PROGRAM VOLUME CONTROL IF ( = 12) { IF (programvolume <0) programvolume++ } ELSE { IF (programvolume >-30) programvolume-- } SEND_STRING dvDSP, "'SET 1 FDRLVL 34 2 ',ITOA (programvolume),$0A" SEND_LEVEL dvTP_1189, 1,((programvolume + 40)*255)/30 } HOLD [2,REPEAT]: { IF ( = 12) { IF (programvolume <0) programvolume++ } ELSE { IF (programvolume >-30) programvolume-- } SEND_STRING dvDSP, "'SET 1 FDRLVL 34 2 ',ITOA (programvolume),$0A" SEND_LEVEL dvTP_1189, 1,((programvolume + 40)*255)/30 } RELEASE: { OFF[button.input] } }
programvolume = programvolume + 2 (or increase to desired "jump")
programvolume = programvolume - 2 (or increase to desired "jump")
ON [button.input] in the PUSH:
OFF [button.input] in the RELEASE:
you can just do
TO [button.input] in the PUSH: