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OK - sombody want to explain something to me.

You put in a one of these units, you lode the bonjour app into IE, which is a really cool app that works really well, I my home network it found a bunch of stuff, including the NI-700 in my rack, my printer my network drive etc.

So you use IE to configure the unit. But then to see the video stream from the unit you have to switch over to Firefox. Once there you can adjust the video (but there is no real brightness control - what up with that?) and see the stream.

Can't somebody have found a way to only use a single web browser to accomplish both?


  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I used Firefox to configure and view it. To adjust the settings, I think you need to reload the page or maybe it was save the settings for them to take effect.

  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    JohnMichnr wrote: »
    OK - sombody want to explain something to me.

    You put in a one of these units, you lode the bonjour app into IE, which is a really cool app that works really well, I my home network it found a bunch of stuff, including the NI-700 in my rack, my printer my network drive etc.

    So you use IE to configure the unit. But then to see the video stream from the unit you have to switch over to Firefox. Once there you can adjust the video (but there is no real brightness control - what up with that?) and see the stream.

    Can't somebody have found a way to only use a single web browser to accomplish both?

    To configure, I let them get IP from DHCP and then check the DHCP for current address and config from there.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I was checking out the one I have and noticed a check box in the devices configuration tab that enables or disables the ZCN (Zero Configuration Networking) which by default is enabled which is how Bonjour finds it. I think it would be a good idea to turn this off and just find it initially as TurnipTruck posted or use Bonjour to originally find it and then turn this off.

    I would think having these and other chatty things on the network would just add unnecessary garbage which isn't needed once configured and assigned a static IP or as I prefer sent up as DHCP but included in the router's static IP table and assigned a fixed IP based on its mac address so it's assigned what you want when it requests DHCP.
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