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Velodyne module?

Has anyone successfully used the AMX Netlinx standard module for Velodyne Digital Drive subwoofers?

The documentation states, "As for now, this device only works on NXI masters."

Does that simply mean the module will not work for Access masters?

Alternatively, has anyone successfully controlled all the functions shown in the Digital Drive documentation via RS-232 independently of the AMX module?

If so, any tips or tricks?


  • jsski53jsski53 Posts: 6
    Did you ever get that to work? I've tried withe the SC-1250 sub amp. the codes seem to be the same but there seems to be conflicting comm port settings. 9600,7,N,1 OR 9600,8,N,1. Two different data bits required in two different version of the manuals. I was told by Velodyne that there systems were never tested with AMX. i'm in the process of sorting this out as soon as I find the golden egg I will forward.

    Jim Ski
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Since an NXI isn't even a master, it's the controller portion, I would assume they meant it only works on NetLinx.
  • AvophileAvophile Posts: 70
    I went IR.
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