1 MVP-8400 Controlling 4 seperate Netlinx controllers
Is there anyway to make an MVP-8400 control 4 different Netlinx controllers without using a master Netlinx to do it? There will be a room selection page to select which room you are using, so from that button push can you select the panel to connect to any of the Netlinx controllers?
#Master System 1
dvTP = 10001:1:1
#Master System 2
dvTP = 10001:1:1
#Master System 3
dvTP = 10001:1:1
#Master System 4
dvTP = 10001:1:1
Remember you only need to place the IP addresses for Master 2,3,&4 in the URL list of Master 1.
There are many ways to deal with the code, but the easiest will be an array.