Scenes that can be edited by enduser??
Hi All,
I am stuck at a project where the homeowner wants to be able to create custom "scenes" on the fly.
Wake up Scene--
Audio: turn on specified audio zones to specified volume levels playing specified sources.
Lights: turn on specified light load to specified light levels.
He wants to be able to edit all the specifics of the of the wake up scene on some sort of back end menu. Apparently his neighbor has control4 & it allows some sort of "scene creator" feature, no doubt where he got the idea.
I started to tackle this but found myself writing endless code that worked so-so. I took a look at !MacroManager but it dosent seem that anyone uses it & theres not much info into how it works or if it is what i am looking for here.. Any thoughts??
I am stuck at a project where the homeowner wants to be able to create custom "scenes" on the fly.
Wake up Scene--
Audio: turn on specified audio zones to specified volume levels playing specified sources.
Lights: turn on specified light load to specified light levels.
He wants to be able to edit all the specifics of the of the wake up scene on some sort of back end menu. Apparently his neighbor has control4 & it allows some sort of "scene creator" feature, no doubt where he got the idea.
I started to tackle this but found myself writing endless code that worked so-so. I took a look at !MacroManager but it dosent seem that anyone uses it & theres not much info into how it works or if it is what i am looking for here.. Any thoughts??
You might be able to use i!-Schedule to handle the scheduling part, then just create a couple of arrays that store parameters that get sent to the lighting processor and AV switcher when the event is activated. Then give the client an interface to change the array.
You could also just ask the client what scenes he would like and hard code them (make it so he can change the time they activate).
I did a similar thing when I was at the University. Professors could, if they chose, create a login when they walked in the classroom. Once they did so, they could take a snampshot of the system once they'd set it up they way they wanted. Then each time they logged in, it would call up everything the way they set it up.
It's just a matter of thinking it though and tracking everything. We do that kind of thing here but with some modificaitons. It's very doable.
This is always a sign of poor or fuzzy design. Always design now, code later. This shouldn't be that difficult to code if it is designed correctly.
Not always ... sometimes it's a sign of bosses and management that threw changes in at the last minute and didn't budget extra time. Or a client who insisted what he got wasn't what he wanted, and you must adjust it at no charge ... and sometimes it's "uh-oh, I didn't realize that was going to happen, and now the project is due, and there is no time and no budget to fix it properly, so I have to throw a Band-Aid on it."
In an ideal world, I would design the heck out of everything, test it all thoroughly and re-write my entire program structure every time a significant enough change came along to warrant it. Unfortunately, in the real world, I am often forced to get it out the door and do whatever it takes.
What are these 'last-minute changes' you speak of??? Surely you jest...
Actually I think he is quite serious and please...(wait for it) don't call him Shirley.
I have not had to reto-fit a system for them however, knew up front that it was going to happen. I found that it did change the way I thought about the control of the various devices. It forced my source select and volume presets to go in one direction where I could store those adn recall them at any time.
My guess is you will have to go back an look at your source selectiona nd volume control areas to see if a preset will fit into those. Possibly re-write some portions. Then writing the structure or arrays to store the data is easy - recalling it is always teh challanging part.
MacroManager I have used and would surely work, but there is alot of over head with that code, and since this is resi, I would think you already have alot of that.
I would sell the home owner, HomeManager. With the amount of code and TIME you are working with here it would pay for it self. You will just have to let HomeManager know about your function list, and he can use it to build macro and trigger them based on schedule.
I wasn't really trying to forward the opinion that we live in some ideal world. In fact, because we don't, design is even more important. For a recent project, a client wanted to add two 5200i's in two guest rooms that had independent AV zones. Due to the way the system was designed, it was really just a matter of adding a few boring lines of code to the project, and uploading the TP files to the TPs. It took about an hour to complete. The last programmer I worked with would have taken a week to add those two zones and TPs. Good design makes last minute changes easier, so I will never scrimp on design time, I don't care what the boss says. It has paid off over and over again.
Anyway, back the original post. If you are tracking the states of external devices within code why not give them the ability to set up the system how they want then take a 'snapshot' which they can name and store rather than have a verbose page with settings for everything. It would mean less clutter on your panel and offer the user a method of interaction that won't feel alien from the rest of the system.