Another iWeather problem
I keep getting 'iWeather could not retrieve data' this past week. The presets are defaulted to the AMX headquarters. I've just recently jumped onto this project so I'm not too familiar with the iWeather settings and what not.
This is subscription based right? Does this mean the subscription to the Weather feed is up? Or is this something just Internet related on my side?
Again, any help is appreciated.
This is subscription based right? Does this mean the subscription to the Weather feed is up? Or is this something just Internet related on my side?
Again, any help is appreciated.
Yes, it is subscription. When setting it up you load the program module on the master that will be used. The subscription is tied to the master. So, for example, you shouldn't set it up on one master and then move the whole program over to another.
Now, assuming you have done all this correctly, other reasons that it might not be working is loss of connection to the i!-Weather server.
I have found that a common problem is loss of DNS. If your client's internet service is one of those dynamic VLANs (the client's WAN IP address changes fairly regularly) AND you are setting the Netlinx Master IP address static, you'll need to set its DNS setting to one of the external/public DNS servers and not use the one provided by the ISP. My favorite one is It's easy to remember. That's AT&Ts public DNS.
You can test to see of the DNS settings of the Master are working by logging into the master with a Telnet client. If the internet connection is good, you should be able to ping an outside IP address. If the DNS settings are working, you should be able to ping by web address. (ex: ping )
hope that helps.
1. Reloading the system code back to November 2008
2. Changed the DNS to the official ISP DNS
3. Did a hard reset on the router
I have also just recently set up an RSS News module in another controller, and that's working just fine.
The only recent change to the system was when we jumped to another ISP temporarily because our ISP was having problems. We have already jumped back to the original ISP. (Though I don't think that matters anyway, but I wanted to point out that during this period was when iWeather started failing)
Also, *if* my Weather Module is working properly, even without a subscription, I should still be able to get current feeds from the AMX Headquarters locations right? <-This is the reason why I'm thinking the problem is Internet-related, because 1 second after clicking the Refresh button on the iWeather module, 'iWeather could not retrieve data' suddenly flashes, as if the connection to the AMX weather server failed instantly.
Tomorrow I'm going to try to load iWeather on one of the sub-controllers and see if that gets a connection. Got any more ideas?
Thanks Eric.
I guess I'd look into the Netlinx port assignments and see if something is stomping on something else. For example you may have 0:5:0 assigned to both i!-Weather and something else like RSS or whatever. The easiest way I know is note which port you have i!-Weather set up for and then comment it out of the program. Send it up and see of something else is using it.