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WAP250G offline . . . .

JeffJeff Posts: 374
I have a client whose MVP8400 keeps dropping offline. When it does, rebooting the panel does no good, I have to reboot the router. This is a problem, because the router is located in the ceiling.

In the past, whenever I've had this problem, I've always been using a linksys WRT54G router, and upgrading to a WAP250G solved the problem. However, this job already has a WAP250G, so I'm at a loss. Has anyone run into this? What do you do to keep the panel connected?



  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Jeff wrote: »
    I have a client whose MVP8400 keeps dropping offline. When it does, rebooting the panel does no good, I have to reboot the router. This is a problem, because the router is located in the ceiling.

    In the past, whenever I've had this problem, I've always been using a linksys WRT54G router, and upgrading to a WAP250G solved the problem. However, this job already has a WAP250G, so I'm at a loss. Has anyone run into this? What do you do to keep the panel connected?


    I have had repeated problems with NI masters and the Linksys Wxxxxx routers. Tech support is aware of it. There is apparently some incompatability with the NIC card on the NI and the router/switch. I'd be willing to bet that the panel is not the problem. Try putting in a new router/switch and I'd bet the problem goes away. I've tried Netgear and higher end Linksys or Cisco. Had much better luck. We also use a lot of Sonic Wall

    Also, I'd not recommend the WAP250G. We were putting them in a couple years back. All but 2 of them have burned themselves up. I beleive they have a heat dissapation problem. We've quit using them altogether. I'd highly recommend the Cisco Aeronet 1100. It's beefy, robust and darned powerful.
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    You may try this...
    Colzie wrote: »
    I do these two commands on pretty much all masters I work on:

    set ethernet mode 10 half
    set udp bc mode 0

    I've found they are not always necessary (tremendously helpful when they are!), but it definitely does not hurt and it can eliminate a service call down the road.

    (Only use "set udp bc mode 0" if you are not using the "Auto" feature to connect the TP to the master (who uses this anyway??))
  • You may want to verify the channel you are using is open and there is little interference. I have noticed hospitals seem to be the worst with all the pagers still in existence but I have also run into areas that for some reason, certain times of the day a channel will be bombarded, kind of like being jammed.
  • AuserAuser Posts: 506
    ericmedley wrote: »
    Also, I'd not recommend the WAP250G. We were putting them in a couple years back. All but 2 of them have burned themselves up. I beleive they have a heat dissapation problem. We've quit using them altogether.


    I've seen a number of units where the TP wouldn't reconnect with or without rebooting it and even cycling power to the WAP did no good. Pulling power and letting it cool down for a few minutes before putting the power back on would restore normal operation for an indeterminate period.

    Suggest replacing the WAP as per Eric's advice.
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