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Namiong a wait with a variable

Is there a way to name a wait with something other than a literal string? If I have 10 TPs that need independent waits, I have to write code to support all 10 rather than using one event that uses a different name depending on which TP is triggered. The wait is started by a user pressing a button on a TP so obviously there can be 10 different independent waits. I can use a timeline but that gets tricky as well.

Instead of this:

wait 20 'Theater Timeout'

wait 20 'Living Timeout'

wait 20 'Kitchen Timeout'

I need to be able to do this:

wait 20 namedWaits[ui]



  • jazzwyldjazzwyld Posts: 199
    How about This




    Do Something
    Wait NAMED_WAIT[1]
    Do Something Else
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    jazzwyld wrote: »



    Do Something
    Wait NAMED_WAIT[1]
    Do Something Else

    Thanks but that is not what I asked. I realize I can change the time of the wait at runtime, but I need to change the name of the wait at runtime.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    Unfortunately, what you are describing is not possible. Waits are created at compile time; the single quotes are just the syntax for naming the wait, it doesn't really operate on a string at all.

    In your case, I would create an integer array the size of the number of TPs you need, and have a 'wait 1' running in DEFINE_PROGRAM that loops through the array, subtracting 1 from all the cells that have a value > 0, and performing an action if 1 is reached. Then to invoke a wait for a room you'd do something like
    nTP_Timeout[ROOM_THEATER] = 20;
    instead of
    wait 20 'Theater Timeout' {
  • Timelines are the solution


    Take a look at using timelines for your code solution. The object TIMELINE.ID can be used to populate an array index to determine which panel to associate with. You can also kill a timeline by index (ID) which is similar to canceling a named wait.

    If you have ACE forum access, check out this post and code block.

    If not, send me a PM and I will forward.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    B_Clements wrote: »

    Take a look at using timelines for your code solution. The object TIMELINE.ID can be used to populate an array index to determine which panel to associate with. You can also kill a timeline by index (ID) which is similar to canceling a named wait.

    If you have ACE forum access, check out this post and code block.

    If not, send me a PM and I will forward.

    Thanks, that sounds interesting. I thought about doing timelines, but that would require making all my variables global which I wanted to avoid, and complicates things unnecessarily. But there may not be any other way. I don't have access to the ACE forum.
  • kbeattyAMXkbeattyAMX Posts: 358
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    Thanks, that sounds interesting. I thought about doing timelines, but that would require making all my variables global which I wanted to avoid, and complicates things unnecessarily. But there may not be any other way. I don't have access to the ACE forum.

    What about using one timeline with a 1 second repeat. Then using an array of countdown times. There would be one countdown time per TP.

    for (TPcount =1, TPcount<=number of TPs,TPcount++)
    if (TPwait[TPcount]) TPwait[TPcount]--
    if (TPwait[TPcount] = 1) {} //fire some event for that TP

    This way you could adjust the wait for anytime you want in 1 second increments with 1 timeline. just changing the value in the array will start the countdown. Just a thought.
  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    kbeattyAMX wrote: »
    What about using one timeline with a 1 second repeat. Then using an array of countdown times. There would be one countdown time per TP.

    for (TPcount =1, TPcount<=number of TPs,TPcount++)
    if (TPwait[TPcount]) TPwait[TPcount]--
    if (TPwait[TPcount] = 1) {} //fire some event for that TP

    This way you could adjust the wait for anytime you want in 1 second increments with 1 timeline. just changing the value in the array will start the countdown. Just a thought.
    This is like my suggestion 3 posts above except that I advocate using a wait 1{ ... } in DEFINE_PROGRAM in lieu of creating a timeline just for the purpose of running the same block of code every .1 sec.

    It is a matter of taste I suppose, but I don't care for the fact that timelines require code to be added in so many places: 1) declare the array of LONGs for each step of the timeline, 2) declare a LONG constant for each timeline in your program, 3) create the timeline, and finally 4) have a timeline_event block that represents what actually happens in the timeline.

    Waits are more elegant, they just have some... strange limitations.
  • Here is the post.
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    Thanks, that sounds interesting. I thought about doing timelines, but that would require making all my variables global which I wanted to avoid, and complicates things unnecessarily. But there may not be any other way. I don't have access to the ACE forum.
    Please reference the thread http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?t=1473 for some history.

    This code block should allow you to control volume from multiple panels with a single set of volume buttons.

    I hope you find it useful and don't hesitate to comment.

  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    B_Clements wrote: »
    Please reference the thread http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?t=1473 for some history.

    This code block should allow you to control volume from multiple panels with a single set of volume buttons.

    I hope you find it useful and don't hesitate to comment.


    Thanks Brian. I don't think that will work for my situation though. I am not trying to use get_last in a hold or anything like that. I am trying to track 10 named waits triggered by button presses, with one block of code. The waits aren't in a button event, but rather a function. Rather than having 10 functions that are exactly the same except for the name of the wait, I would like to be able to collapse the functions into one generic function and the named wait is the only thing tripping me up.

    It is looking like using 10 timelines is the only way to deal with it that I can see since a wait needs to be named with a literal string at compile time.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    B_Clements wrote: »
    Please reference the thread http://www.amxforums.com/showthread.php?t=1473 for some history.

    This code block should allow you to control volume from multiple panels with a single set of volume buttons.

    I hope you find it useful and don't hesitate to comment.
    Probably the best trick in the book! I love this code concept.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    a-riot42 wrote:
    The waits aren't in a button event, but rather a function. Rather than having 10 functions that are exactly the same except for the name of the wait,

    Don't know if this will help but I often make functions to handle various waits and use a switch/case on an incoming parameter to route it to the correct wait. If your trying to do something more dynamic you could create an integer array to keep track of the waits being used and then determine the next wait to issue.

    Might be a little easier than timelines.
    DEFINE_FUNCTION fnAxis_FollowUpQuery(INTEGER iQuery,INTEGER iWaitTime)
    	       LOCAL_VAR INTEGER nQuery ;
    	       nQuery = iQuery ;	       
    	       WAIT iWaitTime 'QUERY_WHEN_DONE_SHORT'
    		    fnAxis_QueueCmd("'PTZ-query=',AXIS_QUERY_VALUE_ARRY[nQuery]") ; 
    	       LOCAL_VAR INTEGER nQuery ;
    	       nQuery = iQuery ;
    	       WAIT iWaitTime 'QUERY_WHEN_DONE_MEDIUM'
    		    fnAxis_QueueCmd("'PTZ-query=',AXIS_QUERY_VALUE_ARRY[nQuery]") ; 
    	       LOCAL_VAR INTEGER nQuery ;
    	       nQuery = iQuery ;
    	       WAIT iWaitTime 'QUERY_WHEN_DONE_LONG'
    		    fnAxis_QueueCmd("'PTZ-query=',AXIS_QUERY_VALUE_ARRY[nQuery]") ; 
         RETURN ;
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    vining wrote: »
    Don't know if this will help but I often make functions to handle various waits and use a switch/case on an incoming parameter to route it to the correct wait.

    That would seem to be a reasonable alternative. I could have one function that had a switch/case in it or called a function with the switch/case that would do the appropriate thing depending on what TP triggered the wait. I still want to think about it, as it seems there should be an elegant way to do this, but I see no reason why that wouldn't work.
  • Timelines instead of named waits
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    Thanks Brian. I don't think that will work for my situation though. I am not trying to use get_last in a hold or anything like that. I am trying to track 10 named waits triggered by button presses, with one block of code. The waits aren't in a button event, but rather a function. Rather than having 10 functions that are exactly the same except for the name of the wait, I would like to be able to collapse the functions into one generic function and the named wait is the only thing tripping me up.

    It is looking like using 10 timelines is the only way to deal with it that I can see since a wait needs to be named with a literal string at compile time.

    I did not think you needed to control volume...just illustrating the stacked timeline concept with the TIMELINE.ID object to determine what touch panel to reference. I used to code discrete named waits with Select/Active, but changed my technique once timelines became available in NetLinx. It is the closest thing to having variable named waits. Timelines are essentially named waits, only much more accurate and flexible.

    Good luck with your project.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    B_Clements wrote: »
    I did not think you needed to control volume...just illustrating the stacked timeline concept with the TIMELINE.ID object to determine what touch panel to reference. I used to code discrete named waits with Select/Active, but changed my technique once timelines became available in NetLinx. It is the closest thing to having variable named waits. Timelines are essentially named waits, only much more accurate and flexible.

    Good luck with your project.

    I don't disagree. The only thing I don't like about them is that it requires all variables involved to be global, But I will try what you suggest and see if it will work for my purposes.
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