Amx has a site that returns the IP address the requests that page. It is at Simply make a http request and parse the returning string
You can retrieve your public IP by going to:
or a dozen other URLs. There's an AMX URL that will return your IP but I can't think of it and there's also a dyndns module that some one wrote and posted on the forum that you might want to search for.
Once you open the URL just parse out the IP address send it.
You can retrieve your public IP by going to:
or a dozen other URLs. There's an AMX URL that will return your IP but I can't think of it and there's also a dyndns module that some one wrote and posted on the forum that you might want to search for.
Once you open the URL just parse out the IP address send it.
I wanted to list that URL too but couldn't think of it. I personally don't use any of them since you can buy a block of 20 dynamic dns accounts form for $10.00 a year. I then just set up my routers with the account info and let them take care of the updates. Since these accounts resolve to a DNS name it's a lot easier for me to deal with since my formula for the name is the same for all accounts with only the customers name changing. Now no matter where I'm at as long as I have internet access I can pull up by VPN client and connect w/o the need to log into the office master to look for their current IP or going through emails to see what IP is current.
At 50 cents a customer it's well worth it and if I choose I can bill that expense out to the customer as an annual maintenace fee at $10.00 year and turn a profit.
or a dozen other URLs. There's an AMX URL that will return your IP but I can't think of it and there's also a dyndns module that some one wrote and posted on the forum that you might want to search for.
Once you open the URL just parse out the IP address send it.
I like this one because it simply returns a text with the IP. there's no complicated parsing of HTML to do.
I also wrote one myself for my mothership AMX master. It's the backup if the AMX site is unreachable.
At 50 cents a customer it's well worth it and if I choose I can bill that expense out to the customer as an annual maintenace fee at $10.00 year and turn a profit.