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MVP5200 Page control - TP vs Program - order of go

OK - I have a 5200 (5 actually) I have on one page a return to main menu button. I have this button issuing a hide-popups-on-page command using TP4. Then in the program, on that button press, I call a rotine that determines what page it shoudl go to, and what sub-pages should be shown on the new page.

here is the problem. I will navigate back to a page to find that the pop-ups on that page did not clear. And of corse all my new subpages are displayed on top of the pops that should have cleared upon exiting the page previously.

I would have assumed that the touchpanel would issue the internal commands to itself, before sending out the function code to the prcessor making sure that the pop-ups got cleared. That doesn't seem to be happening.

I am guessing that the page flip command is getting to the touchpanel at or around the same time as it is trying to clear the pop-ups on the page, and things are getting lost. The page flip always occurs though. And I always see the correct op-ups on the new page.

Anybody seen this before or worked around it?


  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    JohnMichnr wrote: »
    Anybody seen this before or worked around it?

    Handle all page flips in code. :D

    If it really is a timing issue, delay sending the command via code to make sure the TP "command" had time to do its job...
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    Are you sending the "clear all popups on all pages" command, or are you sending the "clear all popups on a specific page" command?
  • JohnMichnrJohnMichnr Posts: 279
    I'm using the "hide popups on page xxx' command. SO it is referencing the page that I am leaving.

    I changed my code to include a @PPA-xxx command before I send the page flip so that should do it.

    I have not been back to the site to download it though.

    I just thought it was weird that the onboard commands wern't working.
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