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No LED activity on NI-3100 devices

Here is an interesting problem that came up at a job site yesterday. The job is being done with (1) NI-3100 and (2) NXIs. The NI-3100 and one of the NXIs are in the same rack, the other NXI is in a remote rack. I was working on verifying communication with devices and setting addresses. I noticed that only one of the NXIs was showing up in the tree with a dynamic address, and the one in the remote rack was not showing up. I figured that it did not have power and moved on because I hadn't even programmed anything to test on the NXI. I addressed the NXI to 5002 and verified the touch panel was set correctly. I started testing the devices and I could not get a response from the first device on the NI-3100.

I moved closer to the rack and noticed that neither TX nor RX lights were lighting up. I did a quick verification that the wires being used weren't prefabbed all wire cables, altho I knew that the TX LED should still light up. The next thing I tried was going to notifications. I saw data being sent to the correct DPS, but no LED lighting up. I decided to try the Control a Device dialog. I tried sending a string, no LEDs. I tried turning on a relay.... NO LEDs! Now I was a little confused. I made sure I was talking with the correct processor.

I was starting to think tht it might be a bad processor. I decided to see if I could talk with the NXI in the same rack. I used Control a Device and turned on a relay. BAM! LED lit right up and I heard that clicking sound that warms a heart. Everything on the NXI was working fine. Back to the head scratching.

I decided to check the firmware versions on everything and that's when it hit me. (Did you figure it out yet?) The missing NXI had previously been addressed as device 5001. I didn't notice it until I was checking out the firmware versions and I saw device 5001 listed as NXI instead of NI3100. I unplugged the ICSHub connections and rebooted. Viola! Everything on the processor came to life.

Just thought I'd share in case someone runs across this (slim chance I know). It really was a perfect storm of events. Had the NXIs been installed in the opposite locations, I would have (hopefully) seen the lights flashing on the NXI in the rack when I was trying to control the NI-3100. Had I looked closer at the online tree I would have seen the listing sooner. Had I bothered to ask if the remote rack was powered, I would have known that it should have been listed. And so on :)



  • SendStringSendString Posts: 19
    Did you know these Commands from the Reference Guide?. Maybe someone disables the LEDs per Code? I sometimes do this when the Master is visible for the audience.

    Disable all LEDs (on 32 LED hardware) for a port.

    Regardless of whether or not the port is active, the LED will not be lit. Issue this command to port 1 to disable all the LEDs on the Controller. When activity occurs on a port(s) or Controller, the LEDs will not illuminate.
    Disables all the LEDs on Port 1 of the Controller.

    Enable the LED (on 32 LED hardware) for a port (by default).

    When the port is active, the LED is lit. When the port is not active, the LED is not lit. Issue the command to port 1 to enable the LEDs on the Controller (default setting). When activity occurs on a port(s) or Controller, the LEDs illuminate.
    SEND_COMMAND System_1,'LED-EN'
    Enables the System_1 Controller's LEDs.
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