Setup Netink to Accress?
Setup Netink to Accress?
Hi All , I have olds system use AXC-Cardframe (accress) . Now i want to chang TP [NXT-CV10]
(netink) use NI-700 to link AXC
I can't setup progarm ,Can help me to setup
Hi All , I have olds system use AXC-Cardframe (accress) . Now i want to chang TP [NXT-CV10]
(netink) use NI-700 to link AXC
I can't setup progarm ,Can help me to setup
First, you have to remove the AXC-EM from the AXcess cardframe. The frame from now is managed by the NI700.
The device addresses of the cardframe are still the same like before. If they previously have startet with slot 1 as device 1: If you want to use the code previously used in the AXcess master, it may be useful to set the panel's device address to 128 to match your old code.
You may also use the "old style" device declaration like before. This works fine with your cards and the panel (if it is set to the corresponding address and only uses port 1 in the design), and may prevent you from compiling problems regarding the NetLinx device addressing.But the NI ports must be addressed with Number:Port:System if you need them to control.