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Mio R-3 reliability

chillchill Posts: 186
Have any of you had problems with Mio R-3 remotes failing? We have a client (small museum) with two of these. They love them, but it seems like there is some sort of failure every month or so.

We've had two of them show the dreaded ZDNLD, which IIRC means the flash card is hosed; had a couple sent back for repair, a couple of advance replacements, and a couple that keep resetting themselves to IR mode.

Is this common with the R-3s? Any notion of (more) fixes in the works?



  • CT-DallasCT-Dallas Posts: 157
    I have sent two R3's from the same project in for the ZDNLD error. My only beef with the R3 is the time needed to connect to the gateway. Users don't always wait for the connection and get frustrated when they push buttons and nothing happens.
  • I have heaps of R3's out on various projects, and yeah I certainly had all the problems that you are describing during setup, however after say 6 week or so run-in period, they have seemed to be pretty reliable. The biggest problem that I find is that if the battery runs completely flat, they loose their Zigbee information and the user needs to search for a Gateway again. I have to also agree with the time that it can take them to recconnect after sleep mode, especially if the reception is getting a little edgy. It can sometimes be a really long time, and the user definitely gets frustrated by this. However when discussing what else is available, I'm not ready to make a switch yet, its still a pretty good product.
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