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Axcent 2 in slave mode

I'm trying to put an Axcent 2 in slave mode with a NI-4100, is this possible?

I get the following error message when I send the "SeT BASE DEVICE NUMBER 2" command:


and when I try to use the DEVICE STATUS command I get the following phrase:


I have the Axcent2 directly connected to the NI-4100 through a AXLINK wire.

Thanks in advance.


  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I am not positive, but I don't think the Axcent 2 can be used in slave mode, only the Axcent 3.

  • Jeff is correct. AXcent(1), AXcent2 and AXB-EM232 can NOT be set to slave.

    AXcent3 can be set to slave by terminal, using SET BASE DEVICE NUMBER
    The AXcess cardframe can be set to slave by removing the AXC-EM
    Newer AXB-MPE (Master port expanders) can also be used as slave 8with modification), but only with a NXC-ME260 / 260-64 master
  • AvargasAvargas Posts: 57
    Thank you very much for the info!
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    What you can do is make an RS-232 connection and invent your own protocol for the NI-3000 to fire whatever you need on the Axcent2. I used to do this kind of thing all the time with my Axcent jobs when I had more than one controller, but wanted to overlap some functions (like lighting or thermostats).
  • AuserAuser Posts: 506
    Avargas wrote: »
    I'm trying to put an Axcent 2 in slave mode with a NI-4100, is this possible?

    A quick search would have revealed a number of discussions about this topic. Have a look at the following especially:


    Nonetheless, I've attached a sample showing how to use the old external control protocol to slave an Axcent 2 under a Netlinx using a serial port on each. I knocked this code out in about 45 minutes one night to slave an Axcent 2 under an NI-2000 in my lounge room. This basically gives me a bunch of extra IR ports for no outlay.

    Note that this code uses a single virtual device on the NetLinx as the interface to the Axcent. The drawback is that strings *sent* to serial ports on the Axcent will also generate a data event on the NetLinx - it's not been a problem in the instances in which I've used this code, but may be in yours.

    I've commented out all logging in the interface module (this used someone else's code which I don't have the copyright on) but it should be fairly obvious what the module's doing.

    Remember when sending commands to ports on the Axcent that they don't necessarily implement the commands you expect of NetLinx devices. I don't think that IR ports will respond to send_command 'SP' for example...
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