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DMP Security

Has anyone successfully integrated with a DMP security system? I have the protocol, but before I tuck in I thought I'd post a query about any pitfalls or issues.


  • JohnMichnrJohnMichnr Posts: 279
    I've spent about 150 hours writting a module for that pig.

    OK - everything below is based on the IP connection to teh unit - not the serial - but I believe it would be very similar.

    The whole connection procedure is a pain - you have 5 steps to connect before you can send a command to it. and the DMP can take it's time responding to your connection. It takes about 5-10 seconds to get through the connection procedure before you can send the command.

    Sometimes the DMP doesn't want to connect to you - in that case it just won't answer.

    If you ask it to connect too quickly (every three seconds) it freaks out and dumps you - I had to setup a timeline at 5 second intervals to connect.

    You have to connect to it, send you command, get a responce, - and then dump the connection or it will do it for you.

    The best part is that the DMP can only handle 1 connection at a time. So if the AMX is connected to it - it won't dial out to send an alarm to teh alarm company. Then again - if it is sending out an alarm, you can't connect to it. I have the most current software that will push some stuff out to teh AMX, but it is last on the priority ladder and won't send until it is done with every thing else.

    So here is the scenario that I have run into. System is armed, System trips, Alarm goes off, home owner wakes up ( it is always at night) looks to the touchpanel - the touchpanel has not been alerted to the alarm yet (that takes about 15-20 seconds before it get through the priority list) so the home owner can not silence the alarm from teh touchpanel. THe homeowner gets up and shuts it off with the keypad. THen the alert goes out to teh AMX and the clear goes out to the AMX. It is a nice system.

    If you take a relayoutput out of the DMP and into teh amx to alert you to a alarm - you still can't connect to in until it is done with everything it has to do. THis is assuming the DMP to monitoring connection is IP - it takes long for a phone connection.

    Sometimes the DMP will send out a responce that is slightly modified from teh ones in the protocol manual. THis means that it wants you to dump the connection. But those commands are not documented in the manual.

    THe system I have has 125 zones, door locks, outputs, etc so it is a bigger system.

    Oh and while you can lock and unlock doors with teh protocol, and query the status, other input devices (like key fobs) will unlock a door - and the DMP does not notify you of that. So your feedback on the touchpanle is not correct untill you go and query the device.

    But you shouldn't just continually query the device on stuff - because the DMP just talks to one thing at a time. And if you are in teh device then nobody else can be.

    But I will say, the zone status pushes that it does works really well and allowed me to make a touchpanel with all the rooms of the house that light up when there is motion in them. Of course you only get those status pushes as long as nobody else is connected to teh system.

    So - I my humble opnion - Run, Run away very fast...
  • Even with caffeine induced optimism I can't put a positive spin on your reply! Thanks for the info. I read it outloud to my boss, who's heading to the phone right now to call the security contractor. Don't worry, he won't use your name....

    I don't think the juice will be worth the squeezing, considering the client's expectations.

    Thanks again.
  • jazzwyldjazzwyld Posts: 199
    Just as a thought...


    Why don't you and your boss read that post. If you won't be integrating the security panel, maybe just a switch in manufactures is all you need.
  • JohnMichnrJohnMichnr Posts: 279
    So even with all of the above - I have another implementation of DMP with the same contractor. The owner knows all the issues and accepts them, and the contractor sells the DMP.

    The system does work there are just a few issues you have to alert people to...
  • We don't have any control over which system is going into this job (separate contractor), and the nature of the client means that issue-awareness isn't an option.... I'm not sure yet what my boss will suggest to the security guys.

    Given a choice I really like the DSC 864/Maxsys. Not a huge ton of integration features, but everything a client uses day-to-day and the comms are rock solid if you write your own module. Easy protocol too.
  • levillevil Posts: 4
    Interfacing via rs-232

    Can the dmp panel be interfaced directly with the amx via the dmp's onboard rs-232, or is an add on needed? I have their protocol documents, and a test panel and keypad. Was going to connect to a netlinx 4100 and use a 5200i to attempt keypad emulation. At least to some degree maybe, after the first reply I am not sure though.
  • JohnMichnrJohnMichnr Posts: 279
    You can go in 232 to the DMP, but the same issues apply with the number of connections (I believe) I also do not know how you establish a conneciton, there still may be a couple of steps.

    Check through their protocol however, I was not able to find anything that would allow me to just emulate a keypad. The protocol is the same protocol as their programming software uses, and that is week on keypad emulation. Plus there are things the keypad can do that is not in their protocol because the programming software would never need to do that. Like the exit timer.
  • levillevil Posts: 4
    Interfacing via rs-232

    Thank You for the response! Will have to see what is possible and what isn't and go from there. I am not sure that the panel manufacturer for this job is set in stone. After looking at the protocol documents, speaking with dmp, amx, and also searching the internet, I wasn't finding myself to enthused about doing this project, and this post only reinforces my feelings on it. Thanks again.
  • levillevil Posts: 4
    Final Thought

    There is a module that DMP makes that connects to the panel, and creates a web based virtual keypad accessible via web browser. Has anyone attempted to interface with this web based module instead of the dmp panel directly and been successful? Not sure if DMP will give me the protocol for this or not. I am contacting them this afternoon to find out, as this seems like an easier way to go.
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